I notice the Watchtower never mentioned the Fake Judge's Wife and Son, what is the story? Was he divorced and why? Is there any reliable sources we can find that will expose this part of the Watchtower's Tainted History? Thank you!
What's the Official Story on Joseph Franklin Rutherford's Wife and Son? Did He Dump Them?
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I read that he didnt divorce his wife but just kinda left her and went to hang with his mistresses. I also read that his wife and child did not show for his funeral nor anyone from Bethel, He was so loved...
The wife was sent to live in Southern Califormia. I think around the Pasadena area. The son just went on with his life. To his credit he never let anyone exploit his connection to his dad.
new hope and happiness
My personal opinion is that Rutherford was a true criminal of humunkind, and the world was just an amusement park for him. I think he was incapable of naural effection and understanding true love. It sad his sarcasm was fed by people buying into his fantazy, because it was whooo-hoo-hoool a game to him.Being incapable of loving a wife and a child his ego needed feeding so a mistress.
I am sure he giggled through the entire noncence and suffering he caused many people and i am not surprised such a man was not morned at death.
St George of England
JFR's wife and son do get mention in the Proclaimers book. As I recall it says his wife went to California as she couldn't cope with the cold in New York.
The son (Malcolm) maintained contact with his father into adulthood, there are reports and I think photos of JFR with Malcolm and his wife Pauline attending a convention in Hawaii, though I cannot remember the year.
*** jv chap. 7 p. 89 Advertise the King and the Kingdom! (1919-1941) ***
Brother Rutherford was survived by his wife, Mary, and their son, Malcolm. Because Sister Rutherford had poor health and found the winters in New York (where the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters were located) difficult to endure, she and Malcolm had been residing in southern California, where the climate was better for her health. Sister Rutherford died December 17, 1962, at the age of 93. Notice of her death, appearing in the Monrovia, California, Daily News-Post, stated: "Until poor health confined her to her home, she took an active part in the ministerial work of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
The thread on Rutherford's wife, why the info blackout also has some interesting background to Mary and Malcolm.
So he was just a Scumbag, Neglectful Selfish father then?
that explains the attitude from the leaders of the GB today!
So if she was living in California, and Rutherford spent his time in California due to his lung illness (?), why did they live under separate roofs. I wonder how many of the general jw population were aware of this "interesting" living arrangement?
They couldn't stand each other.
I vaguely remember my JW uncle talking about this when I was young, but to many years ago to remember details.
Miss Blondie, you are so dang smart, I enjoy reading your words and wonder if you might have become the Editor in Chief of New York Times or some other high profile job if the Borg had not attack our personal skills. Everyone else who helped me, thank you again, thank you so much. I had a dream last night my Mom was screaming at me for asking this question (this really happened) and she said (Your bringing shame again to Jehovah), why can't we have individual goals in life without men asking us to obey them?
Hi, my mind is exploding and now I have lost most of my family for asking questions.
Why was I so stupid and never asked "Hey, where's Joe's wife and kid?" Your information is valuable as I untangle myself from the Borg. I met a new friend who was a special pioneer in Porterville, Fresno and Bakersfield California, he left the Organization because his wife ran off with a CO! strange days for us?
Kindness and Love to all who answered this question and read it! Thank you so-very darn much!