Parenting is hard hard work.
I Have A Problem With the Shepherding Kids article on Cedars Blog
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
dby: Look at the Finnish video again. Watch his eyes. If the video be true he is an out and out liar.
nasty bit of kit he is. How is the investigation by the Finish minister of Justice going into the wts?
and the little boy being baptised! He hasnt even reached puberty yet!
San, i hope they're not "homicidal" Anyway, "shepherding" makes me think that they think of us as animals-----goy, if you will.
jeanette. you are right, we are the little dogs searching for the crumbs.
They [wt writers] forget that the socalled 'anointed' FADS are SHEEP TOO, because we are supposed to be the OTHER sheep. but no, they, even their underlings are the GLORIOUS ones.
we in their eyes are the animals clean or not, goyim.
Our kids deserve the best, to be lifted ABOVE wt classification.
“Frequently talking with your children gives you greater access to their thoughts and feelings. That, in turn, will help you to have a greater influence on the decisions they make in life.” – Watchtower Sep. 15, 2014, page 19.
That just sounds so cold, detached, calculating and manipulative and only to be done for the sole purpose of influencing them along organisational thinking lines. They also make out talking to your children sound like some unnatural activity that parents are utterly unacquainted with. Don't all parents everywhere talk to their children?
I love that baptism graphic WT Free!
And yes parenting takes TONS of time and effort and I am winning the war against the influence of my children's rabidly hateful mother bc she does not spend the time and the effort that is at least 90% IMO it's as simple as that.
My wife is finally facing the fact she would rather have our son not raised a JW then raised as one.
Its a relief.
With your kids SLO, just be real and truthfull. They have some anger because of the way you raised them....well join the party. We all are mad at our parents for SOMETHING. Fortunately, you got them out now!