Back in 1996, PBS aired an excellent series on The Great War, as my grandfathers called World War I. My maternal grandfather served in France in 1918 and was wounded in action, a fact I did not learn until 2012. I remember while watching the PBS series that the air-headed Witness I was living with at the time called me a "war lover." The look of stupidity that crossed his face when I asked him what significant event happened in 1914 (aside from Christ's invisible "enthronement") was priceless. He had no idea of the events which transpired: Archduke Ferdinand's murder (which occurred on 28 June in Sarajevo); the ultimatum Austria-Hungary issued to Serbia on 23 July; or the war which broke out five days later. Yet he fatuously went door-to-door declaring 1914 was a "significant year"!
When I have taught high school history, I would tell my students that the twentieth century had two starting dates. One was 1 January 1901 and the other was 28 June 1914. The significance of World War I cannot be overstated. We are currently feeling some of its myriad aftershocks in the current crises in southwest Asia and doubtless will feel more in the years ahead. As for Jehovah's Witnesses and their take on the year, I believe that many have already given up on their hopes of seeing a paradise earth in their lifetimes--at least many of those residing in developed nations have. Nearly forty years have passed since the much-ballyhooed year 1975 ended in humuliating disappointment for so many. Even if they don't openly admit it, the most sanguine among them must be silently conceding that the hopes and dreams of their youth are doomed to unfulfillment.