Mormon woman, Kate Kelly, about to be excommunicated

by designs 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    The Mormon Leaders in Virginia are deciding whether to excommunicate Kate Kelly for pushing for equal rights for Mormon women in the Church. She wants to remain a Mormon whatever the outcome of the Hearing.

    800-1000 Mormons held a vigil in support of Kate.

    The group Ordain Women, Mormons who want change in their Church structure, are active in 17 countries pushing the male dominated Leaders to make this important change.

    Kate Kelly is herself an international human rights lawyer.

    Church Leaders site Jesus only choosing men in leadership positions as their foundational support.

    Those interviewed at the vigil said they want an atmosphere where they can at least have conversations openly about changes they would like to see made in the Church.

  • cantleave

    Could The Chuch of Latter Day Saints be a cult per chance?

  • skeeter1

    I can't help but wondering if the Mormons at the vigil are wearing Mormon underwear?

    The Mormons better get their people under control! Time for the Mormon elders to squash this dissodence by excommunicating ALL who attended that vigil.

  • designs

    Kate Kelly was officially excommunicated by her Church today for 'Apostacy'.

    Speaking publicly and wanting equal rights for women in the Church.

  • cofty
  • MadGiant

    How on earth can she be a human rights lawyer and a cult member? Even better, how can she be an international human rights lawyer and a religious person?

  • designs

    MG- Kate explained in interviews that she really loves being a Mormon. She wanted to change her Church. This round, at least, the guys silenced her. I don't see her backing down or being silent and her group will certainly keep protesting.

    I think we see much as former JWs and still active JWs in this struggle for a real voice in Church policy.

  • millie210

    So do Mormons have to quit talking to her or is there a difference between what the Mormons do and disfellowshipping like the JWs?

  • designs

    Good question. The News articles sounded like its a shunning-excommunication like our old religion.

  • free @ last

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