My thoughts on terrorism

by Soledad 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    I was reading some news reports on Yahoo about suicide bombings likely to happen here in the US. What irks me the most are statements made about the Justice Department’s inability to track visas issued to foreign students. How could this be? I remember watching a Portuguese newscast via satellite TV sometime last October. They stated that around 50,000 Portuguese passports were mysteriously “missing” from their Embassy.

    Portuguese citizens do not need visas to gain entry into the US. They can come and go freely. How many of these passports are in the hands of suspected terrorists now?

    I’ve always been known to be pro-immigrant, anti-border control. Now, that’s changing. These people have many points of access, easy access into the US, including container cargoes, which hardly ever get inspected. But worse yet are the incidents such as the Portuguese passports that further facilitate the entry of these individuals into this nation. When I say “individuals” I’m not only referring to people of Middle Eastern origin—there are many others out there who sympathize with Al Qaeda and other groups of this nature. That’s the real danger. Ok, so where exactly does the average American citizen fit into all of this? Are we really going to experience what my husband experienced in his homeland (Peru)—sudden car bombs going off, masked gunmen and gunwomen storming into colleges and universities, electricity and water being shut off due to mass explosions? Or are these threats really hoaxes to divert attention and catch us off guard for the next big one? How much does our gov’t know, exactly??

  • graceabounds


    I think that the government always knows more than they admit
    to the public. They say....when people find out that they have
    been kept in the dark....that the government was just doing
    this or that, for the public's safety. Or some such shit.
    If they don't know for sure about a certain date that something
    is going to happen, they do have an idea, it seems, that
    eventually it will happen.
    The WTC bombings are a good example. But, ofcourse, the warnings
    were "too vague".
    My opinion....The president is far too happy that all of this
    happened. The press conferences right after the planes crashed,
    he was radiant, his eyes shining(happens to insane people, too)lol.
    He wants to go down as a it only me that sees the
    coincidence between war/the first Bush....war/the second Bush?
    He wants to outdo daddy.
    By the way...
    Did I mention...I'm a Democrat?

    I'm also 25 miles away from a border...Canada....the Windsor Tunnel
    and Bridge are right up the road. They stepped up patrol so much, that people who worked in Canada had about a 2 hour wait each way..
    trying to get to work in the AM/PM. But, no one ever worried about the border before this. They would ask..."Citizenship?" say, "U.S."...they might ask destination...not all the time.
    And you were in. Ba-da-boom, Ba-da-bing.
    Who knows if any people came thru that were dangerous....
    That is the scary part.


  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    grace abounds

    not a coincidence at all
    it is also not a coincidence that both cheney and powell were in bush sr.'s administration and now they are both in dubya's administration wearing higher ranks, only a matter of time before jebb gets elected to the white house you know

    a man with so many connections like bush sr. --- head of the cia, former president 1 term and vice president 2 terms --- doesn't simply goto sleep when he knows as much as he does,
    he probably has another term left in dubya and may even have another with his son jebb (governor of florida) if makes it into the white house too

    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

  • bajarama
    graceabounds you said ,
    "My opinion....The president is far too happy that all of this
    happened. The press conferences right after the planes crashed,
    he was radiant, his eyes shining(happens to insane people, too)lol."

    You have a right to your opinion. Just like I have the right to mine.
    If you truly believe that BS you posted then I truly feel sorry for you.

    The Democrats (your boys) stood by while Osama blew a hole in the U.S.S Cole, and blew up two of our Embassies. They did nothing, nothing, nothing in their eight years to fight terrorism. Just like they would of done after 911 if Gore was in office.

    Then you accuses Bush of letting 3,000 people die to make a name for himself.

    Your crazy, and if you call yourself an American, I'm ashamed to be one also.

    "I'm also 25 miles away from a border...Canada"
    My advise is move north about 26 miles, they like your type in the Socialist Republic of Canada.


  • TR

    Damn, I think I like bajarama. A lot.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Flip
    My advise is move north about 26 miles, they like your type in the Socalist Republic of Canada.

    Actually, the myth American ignoramuses find so abhorrent (Socalist (sic) Republic of Canada) is probably the only political mechanism that keeps us (Canada), a 'country' who’s population is equivalent to California's from being absorbed into the Union as their 52nd least officially.


  • bajarama


    Actually, the myth American ignoramuses find so abhorrent (Socalist (sic) Republic of Canada) is probably the only political mechanism that keeps us (Canada), a 'country' who’s population is equivalent to California's from being absorbed into the Union as their 52nd least officially.

    I find it humorous that a ignoramuses Canadian named flip, who uses large words, believes there are 51 States of Union right now.

    Canada a nice place to visit. Wouldn't want to pay taxes there.


  • D8TA

    The power involved within the belief of : "WE have God/Allah/Jehovah on our side, and no matter what we do, even if it's taking human life, we are justified."

    When that thought becomes a reality in one, or many, does anyone battle that? Someone (or many) who dwell in that "reality", has now gone beyond any earthly sense of authority...and have a "faith" to back it up.

    Coming from a U.S. perspective, the WTC/Pentagon attacks was something I saw coming. Not the actual method, mind you all. But an attack of such scale. When Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma, an immeadiate thought (after the shock) I had was: "Oh my god, every anti-western fundalmentalist group is going to say, 'If one of their own can do it, so can we'.

    Did the U.S. "have it coming" as I've been hearing as of late? My personal opinion...NO. How does the murder of 3,000 people (in planes and buildings) ever support this idea, is beyond me. Regardless of any past "transgression"...murdering people is not a justified cause.

    I'm not ignorant to the fact that the U.S. international relations with the global community, isn't sparkly clean. It's down right dirty. Most of the U.S. population is ignorant and unaware of U.S. foriegn policy. But murder on this scale in ANY country is NOT justified.

    When you become informed of the various facts in these situations, it makes the operations of the WTBTS look like child's play. The multitude of elements involved with global politcs, it sometimes brings my mind to the brink of insanity trying to have an "objective" view....just even trying to sort the massive web...just to find a single "reason" for it all.

    All I know is, people are getting murdered for the most part because of money and politcal power, and everyone's hands are dirty who play the game. There are no "clean" players in this arena. We kill some of them, They kill some of us. They kill some of us, We kill some of them. A vicious cycle that has been going on and on way before any of us were here....since people were painting the walls of caves.

    It started with King of the Hill, and the methods to gain that position, always walks on the skulls of the dead. Innocent or otherwise. The unending cycle.

    Make it stop ... please.


  • Flip
    Canada a nice place to visit. Wouldn't want to pay taxes there.

    Hey Baj’, that’s the price we pay to allow some place for American conscientious objectors to flee to.

    Not including Washington D.C., I was under the impression Puerto Rico was the 51st State…I stand corrected.


  • bajarama


    Your funny.


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