My Open Letter to the WTS
by braincleaned 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Old Goat
"Ambassadors substitution for christ" is a Biblical phrase. It's found at 2 Corinthians 5:20. On that basis, I'm not sure what your point is.
"Ambassadors substituting for Christ"? They actually said that???
Braincleaned - How you became an atheist I do not know - But you can
have any idea you want since you have free will and your own mind.
I am just saying; telling them you are an atheist will reduce your credibility
and lower you in their estimation and they won't even "get it"
Its difficult to go from Biblical arguments to "I am an atheist" in the
same letter, thats all I am saying. Your first premise was brilliant, in
pointing out they fail their own criteria and fail as Christians.
You had me at; "embezzlement of Christ’s authority as mediator"
Old Goat:
2 Corinthians 5:17 So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away—look, what is new has come! 18 And all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and who has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 19 In other words, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s trespasses against them, and he has given us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!”
This was NOT about a "select group" It was for ANYONE
- it is a message of reconcilliation
for ALL mankind through Christ - NOT through a "governing body"
Villagegirl, if I may -- I don't need for them to get it. As I said above, this letter was aimed on other than the Borg. (See comment 1080)
Besides, it is because I know scripture well that I am atheist. And it makes just as much sense that I enclude these two thoughts, than it would for a vegan to refer to carnivor's words and reference.
Braincleaned, that is a great letter and I'm glad it has already helped people.
It makes sense to me. It points out where the GB is going against their own supposed beliefs; it doesn't detract from its meaning if they are not your beliefs.
In my opinion by this time next year Bethel itself will have cancelled the ministry and the JW religion.
Haha! I wish, right Ocean1111? :D
Nonetheless — they will have to face the fact that for over 130 years — while claiming to be chosen and benefitting of the Holy Spirit — they have NEVER been right on their predictions. Not ONCE. Their only strength is to have been capable of demonizing enquiry... of turning apostates into villains serving satan. Fear. That's where we need to push.