Public Speaker Cries During His Talk

by James Jackson 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • problemaddict

    Wow James.....a bizzare couple of meetings indeed.

    BU2B - Thanks for that North Korea video. That place is now triple scarey to me.

    Wing Commander........I know you don't mean this, but are you trying to tell me there will be no panda petting at the family lakeside Chalet?

    Honestly bro, about your same age, and yes its easy to get caught up in the regret or anger. I struggle with it. It kills me to see so many of my friends waste time, delay or decide not to have kids because of "this old system", and worse, throw away opportunities in life.

    But people do that all the time for a variety of reasons.

    The biggest thing this religion has on people, is that you get to see your loved ones again! Not as an angel or something you dont know......but just as they were! Even better! Your dad won't be old and having to deal with the indignity of severe age, he will be able to pick you up with one hand again. WOn't that be awesome!?

    THIS is the thing people stay for. Not the disfellowshipping, not the community.......the dream of living forever with nobody ever dying.


    That's sad. Jehovah-thought form sucked away his life and his happiness. He too will die and his soul will become a tasty snack for " Jehovah." Thank whatever power exists for TTATT. Whatever your current plight may be as a fader, you are mentally free. That is a gift.


  • Magnum

    WingCommander - I'm about twenty years older than you. I never, ever, ever conceived of being this old and still being in this system. The ship has sailed into uncharted territory for me. I'm beginning to consider death. I don't want to be cremated. I know it's just purely a mental thing, but it seems so permanent. I think if I'm buried, it's still like there's some of me left. I've been thinking of how and where I want to be buried. The time will be here before I know it. I think about how quickly the past fifteen years have passed. I remember like it was yesterday talking about all the Y2K hype (how all the computers were going to crash, etc.), and that's been fifteen years. I remember Sept 11 2001 like it was yesterday, and that's been almost thirteen years. Time is flying by.

    Had it not been for JWs, I might have been able to do more in life. I would at least have had weekends. Maybe if I had not been robbed of a life, I might get "old and satisfied with days" like Abraham did and death wouldn't be so bad. But I'm not satisfied with days since JWs took most of my days from me. I'm not ready for death.

  • jam

    In 1985 I was announcing the DF of a fellow elder, a dear friend.

    I couldn't do it, passed out on the platform....When I regain

    consciousness they had carried me to the library, the meeting

    continued and the announcement was made by another elder.

    No problem....

  • jam

    I may add that was the first and last time I made that announcement

    for a brother or sister......

  • BizzyBee

    sir82 and wingcommander,

    I will just say that the longer you live, the more inevitable and natural and death seems.

    There is no shortcut - you can't reach that acceptance and peace earlier - it has to unfold in the fullness of time.

    Cruelly, the WTS has delayed that natural (merciful) process so that we have to come to terms with our mortality in later years and thus closer to the final act. For some, it will be brutally abrupt.

    I realized it in my 20's, but many reach their 60's and 70's before the light dawns and thus are denied the gradual progression of awareness that makes this journey bearable.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Bee:


  • watson

    I am having a hard time watching my folks grow old. I hope so much that they don't feel panic as they near death. Their friends are dieing and I know they are concerned.

    I watched my JW grand parents die too. In the last couple months of my grandfather's life, he made it a point to review our hope...

  • sarahsmile


  • steve2

    This bizarre exhibitionism from the very organization that trumpeted 'we do not grieve as those in the world do' and who boasted their disgusting way through funerals with promotional preachings that suggested you had to jump through hoops to ever see your loved ones again. Ffing hypocrites who have been so quick to dismiss emotional displays in the churches of Christendom and then overtly exploit humsn emotion around the prospect of seeing your loved ones resurrected - IF you are loyal to the organization. Hypocritical and exploitative.

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