Israelites as "examples for modern witnesses"??

by stuckinarut2 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    It amazes me how the GB and witnesses keep using the ancient Isrealites as examples for modern day "Servants of god" (read: good witnesses)

    How can an ignorant, ancient people who worshipped with animal sacrifices, went to war, killed children, stoned people, treated women as property, called women unclean due to normal body cycles, allowed polygamy, used as good examples?

    I mean, the GB can't have it both ways! They use the Isrealites as good examples, the they use them as bad examples also!!

    pure control!

  • designs

    Have you heard of Islam or Fundamentalist Christians...

  • DesirousOfChange


    Since the new WT QFRs says those who survive Armageddon can be reunited with their dead mates, they are opening the way to approve polygamy like example of Ancient Israel.

    This will be important as those who survive with their new mate are reunited with their resurrected former mate. Polygamy will be accepted so all can live together in Paradise and be happy together forever.

    Without polygamy, the surviving mate would have to choose Spouse #1 or Spouse #2 and someone would not be happy. This would NOT be Paradise.


  • stuckinarut2

    So DOC, I guess that means that threesomes will be in vogue in the "new world"?

  • RubaDub


    I have learned to walk down the street to a vacant lot and bury my poop with a shovel.

    Rub a Dub

  • BU2B

    Well it wouldnt be pradise without threesomes would it? Plus no STDs to worry about so scrap the condoms! Good times!

  • stuckinarut2

    And I have learned that a woman who has her cycle needs to buy two turtle doves and kill them while sprinkling blood on an alter just to keep god happy because he is disgusted at how women discharge blood even though that happens in the way he created them.......

  • BU2B

    It is amazing how they bring up king David and the Israelites more than Christian examples. This shows what they are at heart, a legalistic authoritarian, works based cult.

    It seems the only times they refer to the NT deal with "faith without works is dead" in James (without the context on what works he meant) and when reading 1st Corinthians verse that they take to support their disfellowshiping arrangement, or when they use the romans 13:10 mistranslation of "Everyone calling on the name of Jehovah will be saved"

    They never seem to read Galatians 1:8,9 or Luke 21: 8,9 or Acts 17:11... Wonder why??

  • Crazyguy

    When one finally realizes the truth about the ORG its amazing how they talk so much out both sides of thier mouth..

  • Mum

    On the old H2O discussion board, a JW apologist posted the story of David and Bathsheba and "Jehovah's" forgiveness, and posed the question as to what we learn about "Jehovah" from the story. My reply was that "Jehovah" must surely have an inordinate fondness for bad boys.

    Apparently, that was the wrong answer.

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