The problem is that this religion was built lie upon lie, and these kids may have a gut feeling it isn't the truth, but through all the lies they have been indoctrinated with, they can't really say it isn't. They are left in a catch 22 situation. I despised this religion from the time I was a small child, yet I could not prove it was wrong (until way later on). So I can understand some of these kids you describe. As for the kid that liked rural territory because he didn't have to talk to very many people--he may well have been just a shy person. I am sure there are lots of sincere believing JW's that have trouble talking with strangers, they can't help it, that is just the way they are--that doesn't make them any less sincere.
JW Kids Who Lack Sincerity: Are You In The Flipping Truth Or Not?
by Apognophos 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The give away was the kingdom melodies, those kids NEVER sang a line lol.
Whilst sister 89yrs old imagines gods throne and its angels listening to her dodgy key of 'C', those kids knew it was bullshit, they were so EMBARASSED by the singing because they knew it was nothing more than kingdom hall karaoke.
I looked down on these kids at one time too, I used to think the same as you Apog. But then aged 24 (beyond my teeenage tantrums) I stopped doing talks, didn't want to do ministry, stopped singing, , stopped saying amen, went to my last assembly and felt like an alien...... I simply didn't believe it anymore, it all seemed so fake, so embarassing and I wanted no part of it no matter the consequence.
These kids were not bad human beings, they were not even bad kids. Bad kids don't rebel by having bedhair or not sing church hymns, bad kids shoot people, mug old ladies or deal drugs, bad kids joy ride in cars and hurt people. Let's keep it in context, they wore flashy cloathes and had their head down going door to door and at WORST said shit when you said sugar. I bet the kids you aree thinking of never even swore publicly...
Context....... Real world, Watchtower world....
As for the JW's that did all the answering up, field service, talks all whilst drinking, clubbing and messing around..... this is easily 9/10 JW teens. Even in bethel, it was all about poker, getting drunk on vodka and going to the salsa bar in Picadilly Circus for some dirty dancing.
Apog, how do you know they hadn't considered the truth of the religion?
I suppose I don't. They just seemed to me to want to do their own thing from their teens on. It's true that I probably couldn't tell one that didn't want to believe from one who just couldn't believe.
What is wrong with doing their own thing? (within reasonable parameters). This is one thing I totally disagree with the WT over---the total control over the children. Someone raised in that Cult has been indoctrinated since birth--they have "considered" that religion since day one, or else when something happened early on that caused them to question it.
What is the alternative? That they just pretend to like what they're doing when they actually hate it? To just go along to get along so as not to offend anyone? Some people just aren't good at that. Some folks don't have a filter - they say what's on their mind. Not necessarily a bad thing and that young, they may not yet know how to distinguish between when it's appropriate to say what you're thinking and when you should just keep it to yourself. Hell, I know some adults that still don't really know. I respect people like that - you always know where you stand with them.
How many would be left if all the fence sitters just stopped going?
Fence sitters artificially inflate the numbers, in the end the only people that benefit from fence sitters are the WT.
Long term fence sitting is not brave it's dishonest.
IMO, only.
Allot of these kids may not even want to be jw but because of their parents they have no choice but go. I feel bad for them...that is really sad.
This was pretty much me to a T in my teenage years. I went to meetings and out in service because it was my duty to obey my father as to not jeopardize his position in the congregation as an elder. I made no bones about the fact that I didn't really believe any of it though. I was never even an upbaptised publisher. I was on the school 'cause I enjoyed public speaking, though my talks weren't like most. The last talk I ever gave I took the mic off the stand and walked back and forth on the stage. The brothers had no idea what to do with this, and I was never given another part. 'Tis what it 'tis. Some of us were able to play the part of a JW child, while at the same time not believing, without being total hypocrites.
I was a lot like that, still am. Now it's not such a big deal knowing ttatt. I do the minimum effort, go to meetings, go to service some saturdays of the month only because of my parents and family. Before knowing ttatt I believed in it but not to the extend of having enough care or motive to do more, I didn't enjoy it much. I always tend to day dream at meetings and field service isnt very fun. I didn't become a publisher until I was 19, 20 being raised in this religion- pretty old age. But I didn't lead a double life doing bad things. What other alternative is there when you're raised in it and that's all you know?