Excellent news!
I Am Celebrating 6 Months' Sobriety Today
by agonus 28 Replies latest jw friends
been 15 years for me.
Well done man. I know the seeds of alchoholism are in my family, but not until fairly recently did it occur to me that I was drinking pretty often.
So I went on a diet to try to get back into shape, and booze had to go. When I had my cheat meal, 3 weeks in.....I had some beer, and it really made me feel kind of gross.
So depending on my fitness level, who knows if I will ever go back! I can only imagine 6 months!
I find if I hit the gym hard.....my cravings that pop up go away.
Well done..Have you notice the clearness of the mind??
Wow,I made some bad decision when I use to drink...
Ten years for me and I don't miss it..
(Don't know if you were in or never-in, but if in before and now out - does that make a difference in the need of "some relief" at the end of a day, esp. after a meeting?)
Way to go - agonus. Painting is good. Looks like acrylic is the medium?
That is an awesome accomplishment. Way to go!!
Look at Transactional analysis on alcoholic scripts.
"Games people Play" - very interesting, psychiatrists who got alcoholics to drink sensibly were sacked, because they cured the disease, instead of helping them "make progress"
HMMM - sounds a bit like the addicts in the dubbie cult
Acrylics yep
That's great, just make sure the borg don't pull you back in with stories of how the end is near, something they say every year.