Letter read that the society will no longer be making hardcover books. Also the told people to not place orders for daily texts or calendars if they had the ability to download these. Who downloads a calendar? So what exactly are they spending all their money on?
The Society is no longer printing hardcover books.
by kneehighmiah 54 Replies latest jw friends
So what exactly are they spending all their money on?
1. A really nice country club in Warwick
2. pedophiles
3. cheesy DVD's using the world's worst actors
No more hardcover books, not even HC for the Insight volumes? It is true the books do not need hard covers, but this is just another cutback in the printing budget, you'd think those in the cong would notice the gb keeps going after more and more money and would wonder exactly what are they doing with all the money?
They should withhold donations until the gb provides a report as to how the money is being used, at least a pie chart.
They no longer want to produce the calanders or daily text books either?
I like the new God's Kingdom Rules! book but notice it was made in Germany, not Wallkill, same as last years convention release the Imitate book.
What ARE they printing in Wallkill? Just the Bibles?
I think the Governing Body know they are in a dying business of selling books they just can't seem to turn a profit so now they are forced to deal with the cheap access of printed material that cut down needless paper loss and let's not forget about saving the trees to print utterly insane bible hysteria when you can just down load a file, soon even the 3rd world countries will all be computer litterate.
So the Governing Body must by shear neccesisty make a grab for all the money they can get just to survive this unexpected event called the internet.
you'd think those in the cong would notice the gb keeps going after more and more money and would wonder exactly what are they doing with all the money?
But it's obvious -- they used all the cash to pay off all of the Kingdom Hall mortgages!
Calebs Airplane
Hedge funds, Rothschild family off-shore accounts, first class trips for GB members to speak non-sense at exotic locations, etc..
Witness 007
Smart corparations cut corners to save cash.....how much paper from the society ends up in the trash over the last 100 years!! Half the amazon rainforrest is gone due to Watchtower paper needs.
Out of court settlements in the millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars.
Better, get the worldly calendars complete with all the lunar phases and holidays. They are bigger and have nicer pictures on them. Or, you can go to Lunarium and print calendar pages from that site, complete with the void of course moon and lunar signs.
They haven't produced any new hardcover books since the 2002 Ministry School textbook.
I guess this means that the Insight Books and Proclaimers book are now out of print? Or will they make those softcover?