Malawi Party Card vs US Passport HYPOCRISY of Gibbering Buddy

by hamsterbait 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BluesBrother

    Awake 1975 07/22 p 27/29

    A citizen of the United States of America who desires to travel abroad will find the following oath on a passport application: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations, or purpose of evasion: So help me God.” If an applicant finds this objectionable, he is permitted to strike this oath from the passport application, and he will not be denied the document on that basis.
    A godly person also appropriately weighs matters from the standpoint of Jesus Christ’s statement: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.” (Luke 20:25) If anything conflicts with God’s law, the Christian cannot conscientiously swear to it. Yet he might take an oath to ‘support and defend’ the provisions of the law of the land that are not out of harmony with the law of God. Enlightened nations that grant citizens freedom of worship do not require Christians to do things contrary to their Biblical beliefs and obligations to Almighty God.
    But how might a Christian ‘support and defend’ the law or the Constitution of a land granting religious liberty? By engaging only in proper and legal conduct that also harmonizes with the law of God. He can also do this by his spoken word, including the giving of truthful testimony in a court of law. No one can reasonably object to a Christian’s swearing to do something that God expects him to do, and relative subjection to governmental authorities is required of Christ’s followers.—Rom. 13:1.
    There are numerous oaths, of course. For instance, some unions require members to swear: “I will bear true allegiance to it and will not sacrifice its interests in any manner.” As usually applied, this means that the member will not engage in strikebreaking or similar activities considered detrimental to the union. If a godly person decided that complying with such an oath would not conflict with his Christian activities, he might choose to take it.
    Individual conscience, then, enters the picture when any oath is being considered. Of course, a person devoted to Jehovah would take Bible principles into account. This, after all, is vital if such an individual is to keep a close relationship with God.

  • BluesBrother

    Talking of Malawi, this link to the excellent Marvin Shilmer site gives a scan of the card that caused all the trouble for those poor dubs at the time. I guess you might say that it is the principle of membership of the party, but the actual wording seems fairly innocuous to me :

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    It's perfectly fine to do anything in the WT org. Just don't TALK about it. And if you talk about people doing things that seem to be hypocritical, you will be labeled Crazy or Nuts, or A Liar, or An Old Bat Who Just Loves to Stir Up Trouble.

    When they are talking in the KH about how JWs are supposed to live according to Bible principles, it is unspoken but generally understood, that it is just conversation for the KH. It is NOT intended to apply to your actual everyday life. This was a lesson that took me over 25 years to learn. That's why they called me Crazy.


  • Heartofaboy

    I do not think there is much the GB would'nt do to influence governments or protect the WT organisation.

    While ordinary Joe publisher was under the impression he couldn't stand for the national anthem the GB got into bed with the 'wild beast' & agreed to promote the ideals of the UN.

    They will dance on a pin & use 'spiritual warefare' (lies) when dealing with authorities to save their own asses but yours is expendable.

    No one need be under the impression they matter to big ole J's organisation as it rolls relentlessly on crushing any individual under foot that tries to make a change.

  • problemaddict

    To the JW it is all about "membership". That is the key word. Filling this out made you a member of a political party.

    But.....since we are looking at this through the culture of anothr coutry foreign to most of us, it is important to note there was only ONE party card.

    So while the language would be alarming to JW's, it didn't mean you were "forced" to vote, or take office.

    It is an benign as standing during the pledge of alligence, getting a passport, swearing to tell the truth in court, or acknowedging you are amember of a country.

  • AnneB

    I was told years ago that the GB carry "diplomatic passports" hence don't have to concern themelves with oaths or pledges of loyalty.

  • BobFlanagan007

    01: US citizens have to sign an oath that get a passport? Really? Last time I checked it was 2014. Strange country. 02: The governing body have diplomatic passports? LMFAO.

  • hamsterbait

    The GB have "diplomatic passports" ??? What kind of crazy is that?

    So Crooklyn beth hell and the " WE'LL KILL" campus they are building are/were sovereign states with diplomats?

    What kind of a lie was that?? AnneB - please tell us your source for that scorching lie... they deserve to be exposed. (not literally - the thought of seeing Mark Saunderson and all his little turkey gizzard bits eeeeauw)

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Calm down, folks.

    The US passport application has no "oath" other than the following statement when you sign it:

    "I declare under penalty of perjury all of the following: 1) I am a citizen or non-citizen national of the United States andhave not, since acquiring U.S. citizenship or nationality, performed any of the acts listed under "Acts or Conditions" on page four of the instructions of this application (unless explanatory statement is attached); 2) the statements made on theapplication are true and correct; 3) I have not knowingly and willfully made false statements or included false documents in support of this application; 4) the photograph attached to this application is a genuine, current photograph of me; and 5) I have read and understood the warning on page one of the instructions to the application form."

    What I believe you are really referring to is applying for Citizenship. That is a different animal altogether.

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