Hi. I thought some of you might be interested in this. You can get now 1 year membership on educator.com for free. It is a website with lots of video courses available about all branch of science and other subjects at high school and college level.
The offer is temporary. I highly recommend it. You don't need to give any credit/debit card info, just a username, an email and a password.
YOU NEED TO SIGN UP FIRST AT http://www.physicsforums.com/ and use the link from the "Notices" section (under the menu, green border). It's a promotion kind of thing, only physicsforum members can benefit from it.
YOU CAN ALSO USE TRY THIS LINK: https://www.educator.com/membership/physicsforums.php?promo=MjAxNC0wNi0yNyAwNzozNzowMg==
I was already registered at http://www.physicsforums.com/ and saw today the banner saying that the two website decided to work together and give away memberships for free. I remember stumbling upon educator.com in the past but couldn't afford to pay for it.
Have fun!