Thoughts of summer and ummmmm

by new hope and happiness 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Maybe i still have the J.W mentality, but i am seriouse....why on hot summer days do the youngsters wear such gloomy colors? It makes little sence,.

    O.K maybe they are rebelling, and there hearts are in the right place, but why can't they rebel in cheerful bright orage tea-shirts, especially during the summer months. But there you go ugggg beautiful girls in such dark and gloomy colors ...its summer girls make an old man feel glad.

  • Laika

    JW youngsters or youngsters in general? Haven't really noticed this...

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Lalika, please come and visit me in Linkoping, Sweden...its sin city in the summer for an old man.

    This thread i realize could go the wrong way. Actually this thread is probobly dead. But my point is why is it COOL to wear dark clothes in the summer? maybe its a regional thing....

  • Laika

    Oh man, a Swedish friend took me to the Swedish midsummer picnic in Hyde Park, London last Saturday. It was AMAZING. ;)

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Yes Laika i was there, did you see me? I was the old fart with a lemon juice in my hand walking around looking at all the ....well i think its best i put my pen down down readers....but i think we both know what you meant by " Amazing"

    Anyway i think my O.P was really dumb, i mean in summer time who cares what color clothes are worn, its beter than winter time looking at lemon squeezers in the second hand shop.

  • Laika

    Were you really there!? I wish I'd known. :(

  • bigmac

    young women in skimpy clothes just make this old man feel--even older

  • Ucantnome

    i prefer winter

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    No Laika, i wasn't really there on that day. But i once lived in Westbourne Terrace which was a stone throw from hyde park, and i used to jog in the morning and picnik at night in that park. Its a magical place...really a magical. But most nights it closes at ten. It only stays open for occassions....maybe next time?

  • Laika

    Yeah hope, drop me a pm if you're in London again!

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