This "class" thing is so 20th century.
The Focus / Prominent Bethelite Topic
by Focus 62 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back Focus, and thank you for your exposure of the Watchtower .....back in the good ole days :-)
This "class" thing is so 20th century.
Good Brother Minimus, it may have escaped your attention, but the Generation of 1914 has yet to pass away... so the issue is apposite.
The Class and Rank lists (both set out at ) are therefore still very fine spiritual food, and the time too is appropriate. Indeed, as the late Brother Rutherford - your role model, perhaps - declared: The Time Is At Hand!
I don't get why people feel threatened and and feel a need insult someone merely because he is glaringly leagues above most in intelligence levels and could probably dance rings round just about anyone in here I'd wager on just about any subject he chooses.
Why the petty and small insults?
Special Pioneer Dis-member, I apologize if my envy of Brother minimus's superior intellect showed overly. I humbly accept your lovingly-delivered admonition, am suitably contrite and sincerely hope that my efforts above show sufficient respect - indeed, the maximum possible respect - for that outstanding forum contributor, and thus are suitably free from all petty and small insults.
("Demons Infest Earth's Atmosphere!" Class)
Welcome back Focus, and thank you for your exposure of the Watchtower .....back in the good ole days :-)
Thank you, cantleave.
Could someone wiser than I (that means, the lot of you) explain why, with the exception of Simon, metatron and moi, everyone else I've encountered here - people who apparently know me - have changed their posting-identities?
Can't all be because of an identificatory slip-up, and surely not because they were expelled at some earlier time. I was around when JanH left.
Sixofnine? LDH? wasasister?
So much talent.
("Humble" Class)
This board has changed a lot since you were here, and honestly, I feel it is for the better. A lot of the former posters had great insight and contributed A LOT of information we surely would not have had without them (yes, including you.) But many have moved on, some stomped out after a lot of drama, and sadly some have passed away or are in poor health.
But, things need to evolve and change. The reason that I was drawn back to this website recently is because I noticed the drama, fighting, and angry, hate rethoric have diminished A LOT. We all have reasons to be angry at the Watchtower Society, but I am not of the mindset that (1) they should be taken down, or (2) I am the one to do it. They are a religion. Are there aspects of the JWs that are cultish? Yes! But, really, they are JUST ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE RELIGION. Nothing special. Not like they think they are. If you compare them to other crazy religions, the JWs definitely win, but not by much. I think exposing that is what is what will be most damaging to them.
Their lies and destructive ways should definitely be exposed, but your methods seem a bit too extreme ... calling the Elders rapists, telling us you're going to clean out this temple, implying we're not apostate enough for you. Your kinds of posts are exactly the kind that scare people away and back to the Kingdom Hall. I'm guessing this is the opposite of your intent.
I tip my hat to you for your contributions in the past, but it stops there. I am guessing you are back to help revive Hourglass2? I notice it is trying to make a comeback. It that's the case, just say it! I don't mind if you give them a plug. But copying and pasting URLs to their threads for us to read is going to get real old, real quick.
Come to think of it, copying and pasting URLs to old posts here on this board is going to get real old, real quick, too. There is definitely good stuff there to find, but too much of it is a bit off-putting. Let's see if you can contribute without referring us to threads that are more than 10 years old, OR by reviving them.
Illuminating, Wild_Thing...
But this isn't the Borg, You Know. Divergent opinions are permitted.
Or do you think you speak for almost everyone?
Or for the majority?
Betcha that you don't...
I am guessing you are back to help revive Hourglass2? I notice it is trying to make a comeback. It that's the case, just say it! I don't mind if you give them a plug.
Totally wrong.
The current H2O has almost nothing in common with the old one.
It seems to be run or dominated by TimK, a (decent) Bible-basher of yore.
I'm an atheist.
It follows that I'm certainly not trying to promote H2O.
If I enter into scraptural discussion, it will be to show the Babblers that I know the Jokebook better than they do (I do) or that the NWT is a particularly malevolent rendition (the distortions deliberately made, with malice aforethought, by that evil reprobate Fred Franz).
If not for the fact that an old friend is posting there (and has, apparently, been banned from here? Why?) I wouldn't be looking at H2O at all.
This place is much better.
But copying and pasting URLs to their [H2O] threads for us to read is going to get real old, real quick.
I did it exactly once, only to a thread in which I introduced myself and which I'd made a few hours earlier. There are no ancient threads on this (new) H2O.
So, the "threads" to which you refer exist solely in your imagination. Go, check, then return and apologize.
I think you are thoroughly confusing yourself.
It is links aplenty that have been provided by me. These are nothing whatsoever to do with H2O.
Trust that helps clear things up.
too much of it is a bit off-putting. Let's see if you can contribute without referring us to threads that are more than 10 years old, OR by reviving them
Don't hold your breath while you are "let's seeing".
You can set me whatever tasks or tests you want, Sister Wild_Thing, with exactly the same freedom with which I may ignore them. There wasn't a Kingdom Hall built that would hold me.
("Anointed Remnant" Class)
But this isn't the Borg, You Know. Divergent opinions are permitted.
Except when they are wrong, i.e when they disagree with my opinion
But this isn't the Borg, You Know. Divergent opinions are permitted.
Except when they are wrong, i.e when they disagree with my opinion
lol, cantleave. That's the spirit!
("Rutherford's Spirits" Class)
Go away and come see us again when you are back on your medication.
But nice to have met (both of) you.
Welcome back to the board oh " great " one. I know who you are- you are the deceased board member Farkel coming back to haunt us as the reincarnated Focus . ( joking ) You have the same cantankerous spirit that he did. Not that it's a negative thing- just strange in similarities. I was a good friend with Farkel by the way- had lunch with him on a couple occasions before he died. I came on in 2007 . We all have a common goal here- to expose the WT Society for what it is - a criminal organization with a bunch of pontificating idiots running it who consider themselves legends in their own minds duping 7 million JW's worldwide. Any exposure is welcome. Take care, peace out, Mr. Flipper