Has anyone seen the film called God Loves Uganda? I just watched it on Netflix, and I highly recommend it! It's a recent documentary that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival last year.
It shows how the American Evangelical right wing christian groups has changed the face of Uganda by sending missionaries there, setting up churches, and indoctrinating Ugandans with their brand of Christianity. They focus a lot on IHOP (International House of Prayer), but there are other groups. Thanks to these people, there has been an re-increase in AIDS in this country because they have convinced Ugandans that it is God's will to promote abstinence only, and not use safe sex with condoms.
They have used their influence in the proposal of the "Kill the Gays" law they were trying to pass last year where you could be sentenced to death if it were determined you were a homosexual. The bill was changed to where they are sentenced to life in prison instead of death, and it was signed into law this past February.
In the film, they ask these missionaries how they felt about the Kill the Gays law and if they thought it was the right thing to do. They shrugged their shoulders and feigned ignorance and said they really don't know what's in the bill so they can't comment on it because they haven't read it.
My question is what role has the Jehovah's Witnesses played in Uganda with their missionaries? They hold many of the same views as these IHOP people. When the IHOP missionaries were sitting there pretending they couldn't express an opinion on killing homosexuals, I could imagine JWs sitting there doing the exact same thing. Instead of speaking out against murder, they would say they don't get involved in politics.
If anybody has the numbers on JWs in Uganda or any information about JWs in Uganda, I would love to hear it.
Here's link to more info about the film. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/god_loves_uganda_2013/