Kate Wild

by quellycatface 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    we-re all here for you Kate xx

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hi Kate, genuinely sorry to hear that you are not keeping well. Everyone here is rooting for you, despite never having personally met you. The love and fellow feeling you've got here is amazing. Get well soon and let us know how your life gets better every day!

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hi Kate!! Hope you feel better!! =)

  • Vidqun

    Kate, hope you are fighting fit real soon. Painful, now, and confusing, I know only too well. But always ask yourself: Am I doing the right thing? Being a self-centered hypocritical JW is definitely not the right thing.

  • EdenOne

    (((hugs))) hang in there Kate. Every storm has a calm in the end. Besides nagging, we're here to support you as well :)


  • cofty

    Thank you for the info Quelly. There have been a few PMs going around trying to find out if anybody has heard anything.

    Wishing you all the best Kate.

  • happy@last

    KW/Sam, I'm truly sad you are hurting as I know too well how having your kids having to still go along in such a high control group can keep you awake all night every night. The way you have been treated is appalling, but sadly not unique to you which can make the anger and hurt greater at times.

    Remember we are survivors, don't let a day go by without being grateful to have finally found them out, and always hope for a better tomorrow. Sending you happy vibes, I hope they reach you.

  • truthseekeriam

    Kate, I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but in time, it does get better.

    Someone once told me to try to invision my life in the future beyond the struggles and heartaches that go along with leaving a high control religion. So when things get tough I do just that. I know it sounds silly but for me it works in those tough moments.

    I hope you start feeling better soon.

  • galaxie

    Kate.... my best wishes to you.

    Sincerely hope your situation improves soon.

    Hang in there girl !!

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Dammit Sam, I was just presuming your dating had gone well and you were otherwise distracted... Take care matey..

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