(((((Bob's girl)))))
I wish I could be there right now to give you a big hug! You have a lot of thinking to do, and you know we are here to support you no matter your decision. I too can understand not wanting the threat of separation from family and friends, but I also know that there is a huge amount of relief when you are finally able to let it all out and not be afraid anymore. It's not easy, and it may not be the right time yet for you; but if it is, you will have so much support all around you.
One of the best healing methods for me was finally risking their (the wt) "worst"--being df'd, da'd, shunned, judged, etc. I stopped being afraid of what they "could" do to me and did/said what I wanted, even though as of now nothing has happened. It's not that I think they can't or won't--I realize what they are doing to B. Anderson, the pandelo's, and bill bowen. The difference is how I view it--it was a risk (yours is of course a much greater risk), but with the payoff of being truly free from their mental influence. Releasing the fear helped me tremendously.
Remember though--it is their game, and you don't have to play by their rules anymore. You are being you--and if that means that jw members choose to treat you in an unloving and unchristian manner, so be it. You can still choose to treat anyone in your family and friends the same way you always would. One of the best ways I've found to foil somebody shunning you is to go up and say hi and give them a big hug! (yes, I realize it doesn't always work that way!)
Whatever you decide though will be right for you at this time. You are not being a chicken shit--you are doing what's right for you. But no matter what--we will always be here to support you! (and you better come to RI soon and visit me!:)) Email me if you need to vent more--I can take it. Love ya and our thoughts are with you!