That is a great scripture. The WT doctrine has always been so complicated that people who join have to have faith in the GB's claim to be spirit-directed, or whatever it is they claim, as there is no way anyone would come up with those beliefs just from reading the Bible alone: and from there is it just a small step to accepting all the 'new light' as correct as well. So the actual doctrines aren't important once that dependency has been established.
Jw's dont really care about doctrine do they?
by marriedtoajw 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
so really.
this religion has lost it's 'raison d'etre', since we used to
go from door to door with the message:
we are right, and you are wrong, aka
the kingdom of 1914.
if there is no more right, permanent doctrine,
and jws know it.
Sure the JWs believe in doctrine, there own!
So Eph, is different in the New World Translation compared to your version. When you read this scripture as a JW it was suppose to represent the congregatation during that time frame and carried out for today reprsentives who are the Holy Ones. JWs called the Holy Ones the 144,000! I think now it is Governing Body. New Light.
12 Really now readjustment of the holy ones! Unlike most churches today,JW need to readjust their thinking until Jehovah makes everyone understands,accurate knowledge. The new Governing Body are to bring the congegatation the new changes until each JW obtains accurate knowledge. Accurate knowledge is A JW Doctrine. With a clause: If you disagree with their teachings you did not "decern" the accurate knowlegde therefore your treated as a weak person. Many JW will say "time will tell" or you just keep striving to gain knowledge. Only certain ones were given abilities of discernment. another doctrine.
The big doctrines here is 14 toosed about as waves and carried away. Meaning for JWs is that all churches are wrong! so as a JW you could get tossed around by reading out side the WT Accurate knowledge! You could be confused and even loose your life at armegeddon. No Josephus,Stoicism,Historical Christian, Catholism. WT society can read these things but not members unless the light got brighter and I am unaware. :-)
15 "The truth" Meaning only Jehovah's Witnesses has the Accurate Knowledge. The Truth is there doctrine! one must speak the truth. WT doctrines over rides your bible version.
Please feel free to reread this scripture in a different new Light! :-) As far as JWs, I believe they gloss over and kind of ignore 11 because that was not for our time.
Let us know what you think, many of us would like to read your comments.
And he gave some as apostles,+ some as prophets,+ some as evangelizers,*+ some as shepherds and teachers,+ 12 with a view to the readjustment* of the holy ones, for ministerial work, to build up the body of the Christ,+ 13 until we all attain to the oneness* of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown* man,+ attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. 14 So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching+ by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes. 15 But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ.+ 16 From him all the body+ is harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed. When each respective member functions properly, this contributes to the growth of the body as it builds itself up in love.+
When i was init i had little interest in the deeper things. I didn't feel i understood it i was probably right. I was happy to accept the slave knew and go along with them as they had been appointed. So why worry what they said as long as i could reasonably go along with it. If it was wrong Jehovah would sort it out. The bible was, especially the nt, written for them. Maybe others felt similar. I even felt we were sort of post bible since 1914 and more watchtower.
Doug Mason
From The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, page 331, para 7:
Some have called Jehovah’s witnesses “false prophets” because, in times past, they have viewed things a certain way and, later, have made a change through their official publications. Or, there may have been practices by some members in the organization that have been permitted to continue for a time for lack of knowledge as to how to handle these things, but later they have learned from God’s Word what his will is and have gone ahead and made the necessary corrections. False prophets do not correct themselves. God’s people do.
The following is a comment on these words by Alan Rogerson in his book: “Millions Now Living Will Never Die: A Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, pages 82-83 (Constable, 1969):
The above explanations are clearly preferable to the previous Society line that they had always been right. Nevertheless the Society is still not telling the whole truth. They do not say that up to now they have not admitted their mistakes, no wonder they were called 'false prophets'. They are also very coy about how much they confess; my impression is that they only admit to errors that are blatant and liable to cause individual Witnesses to fall away; if possible they sweep most of their past errors under the carpet of soothing historical generalisations. It is typical of the Society to use even their errors as evidence that they are right: 'False prophets do not correct themselves'. They are making a virtue out of their repentance, forgetting about the fact that they were wrong! Of course it is better to repent of error than not to repent, but I should have thought it was more typical of God's·organisation not to make errors at all. The Witnesses' reply to this is that human beings are fallible and even those in God's organisation are not immune from error. It seems to me, however, that this makes it difficult to decide which is God's organisation if that too is prone to error, and the New World Society has made so many errors in the past that they do not appear to be the likely candidates.
JW do not care about doctrine what I have seen and observed in the 1970's-1990's. They only care to be with an agreement with momentary explanations given by WT. If WT change doctrine, masses of JWs just follow with it without any hesitation. Only what WT said and published. Doctrines mean very little because they can change at will and many JWs will not even explain them. Only obedience to organization is paramount.
Increasingly, it's less about doctrine and more about Impression Management - this perversion from an organization that claims to be the sole Truth dispenser on earth, with every other human and organization false.The hypocrisy is staggering.
It's no wonder that most JW eyes glazed over when the Revelation and Daniel books were studied. Totally boring rubbish. I told a woman at the Kingdom Hall that at my age I didn't feel the need to stuff my brain with such useless information. I heard later that she asked at the Revelation book study: 'Is this making sense to anybody?'. The Book Study was the highlight of the week for me strictly because people brought lots of tasty food for after the study. Of course the GB had to put a stop to that.
that JWs obey the WTS because of WHOM the WTS claims to be (God's sole channel of communication on earth) regardless of WHAT they say.
The WTS always says: obedience is paramount. Read their propaganda,
it's all about the rulership; it is authoritarian.
When they make false predictions they shame and
blame their readership and say people "ran ahead"
or misread what they said, but they never,
ever,fully accept blame. This constant trait,
of never admitting your responsibility,
never saying "it was me, I was wrong ",
of always deflecting blame away from
themselves, is a trait that is generally associated
with psychotic personalities.
The blame for false prophecy and killing people
for years because of blood rules, and 40 or 50 years
of not reporting known pedophiles, only to change
because of a 20 million dollar law suit, is not proof
of some virture on their part.
They always speak in the Royal "We" as if the
governing body is "the organization" and the
rank and file are somehow included, but they are not.
All decisions come down from eight men.
Eight, unelected, unaccountable, absolute dictators,
who refer to themselves as "God's people"in the plural
as if the false prophesies came from Jehovah's Witnesses
as a whole body, when in fact the rank and file decide
nothing and have no say at all in any doctrine or
teaching at all. And somehow JW's believe this
"brotherhood" of equality exists in spite of the
evidence that they are powerless and voiceless as individuals.
One exhausted mother confessed to me that all she cared about was saving her family. All her other "works" was to meet her obligations, that is all. What always struck me from that scripture in Ephesians is the variety of roles and responsibilities, sadly lacking amongst the Witnesses.