JW Lady Witnesses to me in My Truck While Trying to get a Nap !

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • InChristAlone

    " Well you know Jesus chose 12 apostles and one of them proved unfaithful Judas Iscariot so imperfection happens and people prove unfaithful, but Jehovah will take care of it in the end. "

    To that I would have said, "Yes, that was part of Jehovah's plan for salvation. Was the molestation of that child part of Jehovah's plan for salvation?"

  • sherah

    I foresee a Google search in her future...great job Flip!

  • flipper

    FOCUS- Yeah, a quick shag uh-huh. LOL ! Don't think that would fly very well with my wife !

    JGNAT- Indeed. I bet she will think about the things we discussed.

    MILLIE- Thanks sis, I appreciate it. Yeah, I was really tired but I wanted to get the anti-JW message out to her so she could share it with her JW friends. I think mission accomplished ! LOL.

    WATCHTOWER-FREE- Hey thanks.

    ON THE WAY OUT- For sure I needed my rest. I'll definitely be there at Tahoe ! No worries.

    CLARITY- Indeed I really think she will ponder what we talked about and share it with other JW's. At least that's my hope.

    DESIGNS- I'm glad that a lot of us haven't been able to " unhear " the truth about the " truth " because it saved us from the cult.

    ABIBLE STUDENT- Thanks for the great tips ! I appreciate it. Of course- working on 2 hours sleep after working all night long kind of disabled my brain somewhat from saying everything I should have to her . LOL ! Thanks for the information ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • quellycatface

    Wow!!! You certainly let her have it with both barrels.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That was a fantasitic anti-Witness!

    "but you know the elders are imperfect and they make mistakes, Jehovah uses imperfect men."

    That's the excuse every church uses. JWs really are no better than the rest of the pack. It's the old, "We're imperfect and get caught sinning and lying, but you better treat us like we're divine prophets and the only way to salvation.

  • nugget

    The imperfect men card drives me nuts. It is the bandaid to cover all sins along with the Jehovah will sort it out in his own time.

    When my mum uses that I just say to her what makes them any different to any other imprerfect men who think they are doing Gods work. There is nothing that sets them appart at all since although you say they are appointed by holy spirit they still make the same mistakes as other religious leaders and abuse power.

    Since you leave it to god who is supposed to judge all men who claim to be leaders of faith then they are no different to anyone else.

    The holy spirit is so often asleep at the wheel as to not be there at all.

  • cantleave

    Super job Mr. Flipper sir.

    When they say that Jehovah will remember those who die faithful I say, "Maybe, but he also takes bloodguilt seriously and expects an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth, who do you think will be held blood guilty for those deaths?"

  • flipper

    Thanks for your replies !

    WASANELDERONCE- Good idea about challenging this JW lady regarding her sticking her arms inside my truck. However since I wanted to anti-witness to her- I figured I'd " find a common ground " - gawd- where have we heard THAT before ? LOL. They definitely do not recognize boundaries and are mind controlled to the hilt.

    INCHRISTALONE- Good points you bring up. JW's try to make excuses for EVERYTHING.

    SHERAH- Hey thanks, I appreciate it ! I really do hope this lady researches information on the Internet. We can only hope.

    QUELLYCATFACE- Thanks. I figured if she was going to keep me from sleeping she'd have to listen to my takes on the WT Society.

    BILLY the EX- BETHELITE- Hey thanks, I appreciate it ! Good points you make. JW's are no better than any other churches who claim to worship God or claim to have all the answers to the universe. Personally- I think all religion is a crock of shit- but that's just me. LOL

  • DisArmed


    Too much energy for me...most of us have been where she is, I would have just told her I appreciate her time and no thank you

  • Vanderhoven7

    Excellent job Flipper.

    My street approach would be to put them on the spot by asking them to verify that their religion is biblical.

    1. Is the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses found in the Bible?

    2. What happened in the year 1919?.... Is 1919 a biblical date?.... Who exactly was appointed? Where? How many? Names? How do you know...proof? When did they learn of their appointment? What was being taught in 1919? etc. etc.

    Conclusion: Sorry, there are no dates in the Bible. New York is not in the Bible..etc...adding to the Word of God is called interpretive abuse. I don't buy any of it and neither should you.

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