It seems Bethel feeds JWs apostasy from the top, and trains them to look for out on the streets but it is Bethel that has gone off course.
Bethel is thus the latest "goat factory", JW Goat 2.0.
Interestingly it has the same mode of production as "Christendom". The Bethelobotomy is performed by the top clerics of the "mystery priesthood" (The GB) of the Watchtower "Secret" Society of the Bethel hierarchy. It is the same model, a "priesthood" "collective Pope" claims divine authority by "being in the Bible" (Acts 15), and then claims to be "from the Apostolic line" of authority just like the Papacy.
Bethel then claims to represent God's Kingdom so everyone assumes what they are saying, like the Pope, is true. Bethel just denies exactly what they are doing with the opposite claim. They run the spiritual Ponzi scheme, make billions, and live in luxury in the process.
Now while JWs were examining the other "goat factories", lo and behold Bethel offers the latest "goat" model, the JW convertible.
There is "nothing new under the sun" it is all the same story. But in all fairness to churches and JWs, it is the leadership that engineers the "goat-like" attitude and production line. In the end it all eclipses the very "rule book" they all claim to support, but they end up supporting themselves instead. The leadership bears the guilt, because it was their job to be vigilant to avoid corruption.
It seems any "organization" composed of humans eventually corrupts. I assume the outcome will be the same in all cases.
Truth really is stranger than even Bethel's fiction.