Terry is right. We let God slide....

by DATA-DOG 10 Replies latest watchtower bible


    There were many great comments on the " Theist/suffering" thread, but Terry's really caught my eye. Its the simplest way to describe what believers do. We simply give the "God" of the bible a free pass. I don't have much time this morning, as I have a busy day of Satanic materialism ahead of me. I mean, I would stop working, but the ORG only has so much money and they need it for the stock-market..

    Here are a couple of recent watchtower comments for you to ponder and comment on, if you wish. I know this isn't new ground, but we have new members watching and reading, and trying to make sense of it all. Just to be clear, I am NOT saying there is no creator of the Universe or of humans. I simply put no stock in organized religion or "Jehovah of the Watchtower."

    Comment #1

    Why do bad things happen? Psalm 115:3.

    Comment #2

    Last weeks WT propaganda session enlightened us on the evils of " Teleparenting." A spiritually weak/unbalanced/fleshly thinking mother, realized that it is a poor parent who tries to raise their child in a long distance relationship. You can't hug your child via the computer or telephone. Yet this unfit mother was doing more for her child than "Jehovah."

    Think for a moment. Wouldn't you be thrilled with a phone call or text message or Instagram from your Creator?!?! We don't even get that. We have a dusty collection of contradictory writings that allow for a myriad of interpretations. Basically, if you are a JW, Dad left an incomprehensible collection of scribbles with your bat-shit crazy Mother. No calls, no e-mails, no letters....nothing. You can, however, call out endlessly to the sky, wondering why daddy doesn't answer. That is some piss-poor parenting.

    Comment #3

    Yesterday's WT propaganda session mentioned " Accepting Responsibility." Notice what a poor parent does to their children. They say, " HOW CAN YOU BE SO UNGRATEFUL FOR ALL THE SACRIFICES I HAVE MADE FOR YOU?" However, their children's negative attitude may be largely due to their parent BEING ABSENT."

    I hope you can see the irony of that statement by the GB. I don't have time to list all the scriptures about "Jehovah" killing off his children for not being grateful for his provisions and sacrifices, but I am sure you can think of some.

    So, should we just let "Jehovah" slide? Does he even meet the requirements of a poor TELEPARENT?!? Does he need to make a sincere apology to heal the breach, as the WT suggests for "spiritually weak" parents? I will leave that up to you.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Silence is god's natural language. Everything else is a bad translation."

  • Terry

    When we believe in somebody (what a silly phrase!) we tend to make excuses for them.


    Otherwise, we expose ourselves as idiots for believing in them!

    Jeffrey Dahmer's mom probably said, "He is a sweet boy who wouldn't hurt a fly." (Norman Bates said it abut himself, after all :)


    Here is the way the circular reason goes.

    When God does it--it is automatically right.

    Why? Because He is God.


    Well, there ya go--brilliant reason.

    Why not hold God to the same standards He holds against us?


    God is Love. Love is not jealous. God is a jealous god.

    Work that one out while yer at it.

  • Laika

    Yes, god has a lot of questions to answer, many of the psalmists would agree with that. Job got some answers but they seemed a bit of a cop out.

    Can you imagine a JW standing up to pray after a crisis 'my god my god why have you forsaken us?' Wonder how that would go down.

  • Dis-Member

    Very good point DATA-DOG. There is no easy answer to this at all.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    That's the deal god can do whatever it wants because it's god and if you don't like it your likely to be killed or tortured and it loves it when you beg for your life.

    it just warms your heart doesn't it

  • Maranatha

    So, this isn't a website geared towards helping JW's away from the Watchtower and to the Real Jesus of the Bible, but a website full of atheists just trying to get God believers to turn away from Him? Oh dear...

  • Laika

    Hi Maranatha, I'm a christian. This website isn't really geared towards anyone, except ex and exiting JWs who take many different paths. You're welcome to stay and engage us in conversation, you won't be kicked off for defending your beliefs. (though maybe for taking threads off topic, like this one...)

    Welcome to the board.

  • kaik


    first welcome on the board. JWN is a site for people who are somehow connected with Watchtower and Jehovah Witnesses. It does not promote any specific religious doctrine. Your expectation of converting ex-JWs to Jesus are probably not happening here. Besides as someone like me who is married to Jew and have full family of Jewish relatives, I do not like when people wave NT and crucifix in front of my face.

  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova, and the washtowel, need the money for the stock market which is going to crash in due time. And, when Neptune reaches 9 degrees of Pisces next April, I believe it is prime time for a stock market crash where the dollar becomes toilet paper. The window is a couple of years as Neptune will be passing in and out of that degree a few times during that time, but they can put their money in the stock market if they wish to lose it.

    As for me, I am not willing to give them MY money so they can buy stocks to watch them crash and the dollars they are denominated in becoming toilet paper. I need it to buy silver for myself. Each ounce of silver I have is 10 days' hard labor I will not have to do, in broiling sun or freezing cold, in who knows what hazards, when silver is revalued. I remember a denarius (and I did research on it--they did in fact ultimately devalue that coin) was a day's wages--and an honest denarius was 1/10 ounce of silver. If I buy one ounce in lieu of putting the money in the Worldwide Damnation Fund, I am spared 10 days' hard labor (12 hour days at that--have fun pious-sneering at that time). If I can spare enough for a tub, that is 200 days (slightly more than 6 1/2 months) of work not done. A monster box will give you 5,000 days of vacation while everyone else is busting their butts (that is more than 13 1/2 years). If you are near retirement when the dollar breaks down, and you have 3 monster boxes of silver and manage to keep it for yourself, you could retire comfortably on it once 1/10 ounce is revalued as a day's hard labor.

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