Witness my Fury - Wicked Spirit Forces are Factored into my theory. I believe that they have Created the PERFECT deception, by creating Religion and Manipulating Scared Texts, they have brought a tremendous amount of Hatred,Pride & Death into the World.
Question for Atheists.. Did you gain a Greater Sense of Morality and Happiness?
by objectivetruth 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I first wrote out a long response but really, the short answer is yes.
I don't know about "greater," my morals now are my own and not written in an ancient book by delusional people that thought God talked to them and then reinterpreted by more ignorant, deluded fools in Brooklyn that think God is using them.
Wicked Spirit Forces are Factored into my theory. I believe that they have Created the PERFECT deception, by creating Religion and Manipulating Scared Texts, they have brought a tremendous amount of Hatred,Pride & Death into the World.
A theory is based on evidence. What you have is a hypothesis. What proof do you have that demons exist? And if they do, what proof do you have they've deceived anyone?
Actually, religious humans do a pretty good job of being hateful all by themselves based on the "we're right, everybody else is wrong" foundation of the religious mindset.
Once a person gets away from that thinking (atheists) you can be kind to everyone regardless of their beliefs as you feel no need to win any battles for "god".
If today unequivocal evidence that God doesn't exist.
Would you remain faithful to your spouse or care for your
children. Such assertions are ment to imply that atheism is
a path to evil, and Christianity is a path to good.
Island Man
For me personally, yes. There is a quote by a famous atheist that goes something like this:
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without religion you will find good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things. But to get good people to do bad things - that takes religion."
Religion corrupts our natural humane conscience through instilling fear of, and unquestioning obedience and loyalty to, an imaginary being. People are brainwashed into thinking that this being is pure and perfectly righteous and everything he says must be correct and obeyed without doubt or objection. When they get to this mental state, they are willing to carry out just about any command that purports to come from this being - even commands that their conscience would otherwise tell them is wrong and which do not seem logical or strategic from a human standpoint. So the will of God overrides their humanity and they justify evil conduct by saying things like:
"Our human conscience is imperfect, that's why it seems cruel to us but God knows best. If he says to do it, then we must obey." Or "It seems harsh from our limited human standpoint, but we don't have all the facts. Jehovah has all the facts and always knows what's best. Trust in Jehovah and obey. Do not rely on your imperfect heart."
There is also the promise of an eternal reward for obeying the imaginary being. This factor tends to foster selfishness that is so strong that people are willing to harm others in the course of obeying god so that they can get their eternal reward. Thus they are willing to shun family members who leave the religion; they are willing to let their child die without a blood transfusion, etc. Think: who are JWs looking out for when they deny their child a life saving blood transfusion knowing the child will die? They are not looking out for the child because the child would not be held accountable for what was done to him if he's given a transfusion. They are really looking out for themselves! They believe that they [the parent] will lose out on paradise if they consent to their child receiving a transfusion. So they are actually sacrficing their own child to safeguard their personal salvation. The height of selfishness!!
Relgion teaches some good morals but then it mixes in some harsh ugly stuff like bigotry, selfishness, discrimination, misogyny, mind-closing, shunning, hubris, deceitful false teachings, etc, all of which make religious people less moral than a kind and moral atheist. Religion corrupts the conscience and destroys critical thinking skills.
I think the source of our actions is the least important aspect.
The impact of our actions is all important.
Do we learn from our collateral damage or do we justify the harm--now that is an important question.
“The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don’t like that statement, but few can argue with it.” --Carl Sagan, "A Demon Haunted World".
Nathan Natas
Please note that "'The Golden Rule' do to others what you would like done to you" doesn't say anything about god, does it?
Witness My Fury
It was also widely known long before Jebus or his cultists were supposed to have plagiarized it....