Thank you, Stealth.
Thank you, Stealth.
Thank yo
No, that wasn't a typo.
Explanation, since that surely will be too obscure for all sane ones:
It is because I am two and a half of the persons you praised / thanked.
Now, I address everyone.
That was then. Now is now, and help is needed.
I returned "here", after a gap of a dozen years, solely to find recruits in the second phase of the war (we won the first - domination of cyberspace), which is to hold the WTS legally (i.e. financially) accountable for her transgressions, the damage to the mental health and happiness of many millions (not just limited to members).
This might even kill her off. A faint hope. It will certainly hurt her and compel her to change some of her worst ways.
Preferably, initially I want people who share several of "our" (!) areas or competencies. In no particular order:
Law (me att'y)
Finance (me acc't too)
Business (likewise and many a time, no failures yet, none anticipated)
Computing (privacy/anonymity related, also website)
Science (me have degreasey-weasies)
Statistics or at least Mathematics (other degreasey-weasy)
Writing (Assassin Class)
WTS Facts
but who additionally have at least one relevant skill "we" lack.
Think about what's not there above - plenty of what's needed will occur to you, given time.
For example, I have no qualifications whatsoever in medicine, psychiatry or biology, though I have studied the latter pair as a lay-person. All are needed here.
Laws are different everywhere. Therefore, obviously, ANY help is good to have. I'm adequately intelligent to know I can't and don't and won't think of everything.
I am multilingual, but the only relevant language I have with remotely sufficient competence is English.
My competence at handling the media is adequate but many will be far, far better and I will be hampered by the need for anonymity.
Twitter, Facebook and other "new" media skills are badly needed. Old school here, so far.
Campaign-management skills - wow!
A firm, unshakeable belief that the Watchtower is fundamentally evil (whether maliciously so or not is irrelevant - "victims of victims" may well apply - and thus worthy of destruction is, obviously, mandatory. If you haven't worked this out by now, IMO you're either not too smart or are at too early a stage of cult-awareness or are psychologically unsuited for this warfare or are compelled to think differently by circumstances. I simply don't have time to make converts.
At this stage, reasonably high intelligence is needed. If you can understand exactly what I'm on about (leaving aside the surfeit of puns), that probably means you have it. Later, thinking power will be wholly irrelevant. The "Great Crowd" will materialise as if by magic when they realize there is money - perhaps a lot - to be obtained by participation in as-risk-free-as-it-can-get litigation.
Your real name and other details will NOT be needed or asked for.
And if you have an absolute need for anonymity (e.g. "still within", or loved ones) - it won't be a handicap. I will show you how to be safe. In fact, you're likely to learn a thing or two about preserving it (the "Red Herring" tool, the "Misleading cyber-trail" prep'n, the "Russian" method, etc.) from a (blush) expert.
Nothing overtly illegal is intended or will be done, at least not if you are living in a country which doesn't criminalize the receiving or sending of unencrypted communications. In later stages, the "overtly" will be wholly redundant.
You must have a little time available.
Gender and age (as long as you are an adult in your country of residence) are irrelevant. So far, the team is nearly all-male.
Dedication and firmness are more valuable traits than aggression, here, IMO.
It is improbable that you will physically meet or speak with me (I'm sure that's a relief), and certainly not initially.
I am not looking for a personal relationship or partner, lol. Indeed, liking me is wholly irrelevant. I'd choose the competent ally who loathed me over the well-meaning incompetent, every single day.
I'm not the Boss. There is and will be no boss.
Your geographic location is irrelevant. Initial legal focus is on North America and several EU member states, but that is irrelevant.
Research skills are always in need.
For those with lesser need for anonymity: great use can be made. Liaison with groups who are at legal loggerheads with the Tobacco industry (the parallels are obvious) by attending meetings may be needed.
I don't foresee any tangible danger (other than loved-one-related, if they're still entangled - but you can make sure they don't know; see above). The WTS isn't yet the CoS, on which I cut my teeth, lol. So you won't get bangs on the door at 5 am with the local police and a posse of hostile lawyers in tow. This isn't going to be dramatic.
There is, and will be, NO need for money, and you won't be asked for anything but time and expertise. There's already plenty of money for this project.
It doesn't matter a whit if the WTS knows exactly what we are going to be up to. In some ways, better if it does.
But reformers and conciliators, please shut the door (from the other side).
Apologists, blowhards, mockers and trolls, save yer breath, STFU, I've seen off hundreds - probably over a thousand - of your sort over the past 20 years, and I don't take hostages. Some of the more determined blockers, especially those who thought their anonymity was secure, and who got in Prominent Bethelite's way, woke up to find with horror their names and assorted personal details uncovered and duly splashed all over googlespace. From which no cancellation is possible.
A PM to me will be step one; quite a few prescient or intuitive ones already have, even before I first asked.
A secure and wholly private encrypted channel of communication will then be set up, and there'll be no further involvement thereafter.
Nothing will happen for a while as we assess our resources. "Phoney War" time.
I don't presume too much on my generous and understanding host, I hope - as this message gets repeated. Thanks. serves a vital role in helping people leave the cult ("leave" has many different nuances of meaning here), come to terms with life and hopefully find happiness. Its role is NOT cult-fighting. I already know this. Hence the involvement is just to aid recruiting the like-minded.
You'll be given adequate evidence of my credentials, though GIYF should yield a few clues. You need to be satisfied that this is no WTS sting to find apostates, lol.
We will be joined by some of the "Old" warriors - heroes, in a manner, to many, with recognised names and well-known competence.
Thanks is not due from me. You owe it to the kids, including the as-yet-unborn ones.
And have the satisfaction of knowing, however it turned out, that at least you tried...
Don't look around - I was talking to YOU.
("$10 billion in Real Estate - at least" Class)