I've reached out and contacted a few of my past friends. Some are still cool as ice, while others have taken on a "I'm better than you" type of attitude. The first question is usually about becoming a servant, pioneering, or some other facet of service. Now, while these are all fine goals and aspirations, the tone in which the questions are asked come off a bit condescending. One girl in particular I used to associate with finally sent me an email in which very little consideration was given to my personal situation. It was a plethora of questions about if I was regular pioneering, bla bla bla. Then she went on to tell me about her spiritual adventures throughout Latin America. And how now she's got a million spiritual projects lined up back home. She's still jobless, but living with daddy, that isn't a problem. According to her, 'Jehovah provides.' This is the same person that cut me off about four years ago because my goals had changed, according to her. And I was becoming too wordly. If securing my future via education and a stable career is losing focus, then I'd rather stay that way. I don't have the luxury of living at home, working some odd job, then traveling. That was high school. Whatever the case, she's one of many of my old aquaintances that comes off as a bit....nutty. The longer I'm out here trying to survive and secure my future, the longer I see the disconnect between the sheltered life that I lead at one time, and the reality of things. I will always have time for spiritual things, family, and relaxation. But with a lot of people in the organization, there are two extremes; either you dedicate every waking minute to the cause, or you're a weak link. Either you're with us, or with Satan. Crazy stuff. Just thought I'd share that.