JW daughter, 12-14 years since we spoke is getting a divorce.

by jam 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Just learn this from my son. All hush, hush among the JW

    side of the family...She never forgave me for divorcing her mom..

    She have two kids..

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Kids can't understand until they walk in their parents' shoes, I guess!

    Hope things clear up between you and your daughter sometime soon. It is no fun to be estranged from your own kids.


  • jam

    iown: so true"until they walk in their parents shoes"..Life is not

    so simple....

  • jam

    I forgot , he was a Ex-Bethelite and she at one time a full time pioneer.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Those Bethelites are sometimes able to see the truth about "the truth" before most other jw! And then those pioneer sisters, hearing all the juicy gossip every day out in service! The sincere hearted pioneer may start to wonder what in the heck she is inviting people to join such a mess for!


  • LostGeneration

    Hopefully she reaches out to you jam. I can't imagine having no contact with my children for that long.

  • jam

    I hope so LG.

  • Listener

    Hopefully her own experience will open her eyes and she will have more understanding of you. It would be lovely to hear that she no longer shuns you.

  • JWdaughter

    Dang,for a minute I felt so important, then I realized that it was ABOUT your JW daughter, not directed to me (JWdaughter). I was hoping you were an old friend from days gone by. . . but haven't seen any of them for about 23 years, really.

    OTOH, I know the issue of being estranged because of divorce. I hope your daughter, experiencing the pain herself, develops some compassion and reflects on her treatment of you and repents it and comes to you with love and (maybe even )an apology. Reconciliation, however you get it, would be a blessing!!

  • jam

    The wife told me, they will blame the divorce on you.

    No way, I wasn't allowed to give her away (wedding), I was never

    welcome in their home and I only talked to her husband three times, and I only seen

    my one grand-daughter three times and the younger one never seen her.

    They were married 18 years ago.

    They can't blame it on me, only Jehovah...

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