I found out TTATT, while I was studying....I did alot of research, & found out...Nope, they are not perfect & don't have the entire truth, but I had been to many other places of worship, & none of them have the entire truth. I even told a few of the friends, that I knew none of them walked on water, so that's why I stayed. I walked into it with my eyes wide open. I wanted to learn the bible...& I have, but they don't know the real truth of the bible. They are too busy adding more & more rules, & trying to keep the congregation in the dark or should I say hood winked...It started with Michael the archangel being Jesus...I happened on Hebrews, which really disputes that idea....then I remember when Jesus said when he was about to go to heaven, all authority had been given to him in Heaven & on earth...then I said, umm....that was not 1914...I could go on....Satan thrown out of Heaven in 1914, umm, maybe he was thrown out in the begining or when Jesus was taken to heaven....seems like when Jesus went to heaven to get ready for what...I don't know, but he didn't need Satan tracking in mud all over heaven...LOL...what I do like about the religion or way of life, like they like call it ....is that they do talk to the family, Mom, Dad & Kids...there is a ring of truth in some of the stuff they say...but that's all religions, they all have a ring of truth...the truth is the bible...no more no less...if any of us listen to man..we are in trouble...because as we know...Man can't even direct his own steps.
The Truth about the truth of life, Love God & your fellow man...now that's the truth...I'm not sure how long I'll be there...but knowing TTATT, helps me to sit there...I can see out & they can't see in...let them drink the kool-aide, it's ok....but for me...nope...I'll make my own kool-aide, thank you very much.
I like going out in service....sometimes you get a bite, sometimes you don't.....I do what I can, I'm not concerned about hours, like most of the friends, I'll hear them say, ah, I need to go out...I need some hours..I don't rock that way...I have some issues of things I did in the past, I work through them & try not to spend too much time feeling guilty....Again, I've been to many places of worship...my take on it...ain't nobody got the truth...