But jws pay taxes to Caesar who uses some of the money to support the military. The WTS has no idea how they use the money but pay it anyway.
Who Donates Blood For Jehovah's Witnesses That Accept Blood Fragments?
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Amelia Ashton
They try to justify taking from non JWs but not giving especially if it is to a non JW.
Good Samaritans they are not.
zed is dead
This just show that the JWs are both literally and figuratively leechs on society.
Some days ago my sister asked the same thing about why witnesses can't donate blood but they can accept blood fractions. The elders used the Old Testament to show that some things were permitted by the gentiles but were not for the Jews. So, my sister told them that we are not under the law of Moses, but they said that some principles remain. So, now I wonder, if some principles of the OT remain, we could take more than one wife, to kill cananites without mercy, etc.