What would make a man throw away all his earthly riches to expose the Cult? What did Ray Franz have to gain by leaving in total poverty? If Ray Franz had stayed in place, he could have lived like a god, why did he leave? I know it's all speculation but I can't understand why Ray Franz would throw away his god-hood by leaving the Borg. Men like Tony Morriss and Stevie Lett enjoy all the praise and homage given them by uneducated JWs, what made Ray Franz sacrifice his life so we could know the Truth-About-The-Truth?
Why did Ray Franz leave the Organization? Your Opinion Matters!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm going to take a wild guess and say it was a combo of ethics and happiness.
If you had read his book you wouldn't be asking this.
Ray Franz didn't leave voluntarily; he was pushed out. Their excuse was that he continued to meet and dine with a disassociated person (his employer).
"While Lyman Swingle stood up for Ray Franz and prevented him from being disfellowshipped at that time (Lyman knew all the facts about 1914), Franz was spied upon and later disfellowshipped for eating a meal with his boss, a former Witness (see Time Magazine of Feb. 22, 1982, p. 66)."
[Edit: added link and quotation, correct "disfellowshipped" to "disassociated"]
Conscience ruled over "worldly desire", to use a JW term. Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" yet? If not you really should.
Another thing I wonder about him leaving is ... did he know how tough it was really going to be leaving? I think back then it would have been hard to foresee. No one so prominent had ever spoken against the society since the original schisms when Rutherford took over. I wonder if he knew what he was in for.
" you had read his book you wouldn't be asking this." Not so, final chapter still left me feeling empty even though his point is we don't need a Organization or men to be a go-between God and our relationship.
I agree Ethics, don't you think he fell in to depression after all those years of being in a Organization where the leaders were given as much power as Jesus Christ? I know people who put the Governing Body above Jesus Christ. We need to create a Twitter Splash by using Tony Morriss remarks about Homosexuals and Tight-pants. I finished ISOCF last night and now I feel empty inside, soon I will be flying to the Middle East and need some advice on another book to read. The flight take's forever it so what books should I download to better understand someone who throw's away total security and would never have to worry about anything other than keeping the perpetual lie and ponzi scheme going? Has anyone else been outside the United States or Eastern Europe, Australia the Middle East, the exprience make's you long for home soon after your arrival.
I think he loved the Christ more than the WT. IMO I think that is what he would say.
"Conscience ruled over "worldly desire", to use a JW term. Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" yet? If not you really should.
Another thing I wonder about him leaving is ... did he know how tough it was really going to be leaving? I think back then it would have been hard to foresee. No one so prominent had ever spoken against the society since the original schisms when Rutherford took over. I wonder if he knew what he was in for." WildThing
They gave him $10,000 for decades of service, I think he got ripped off by the Watch-Taker! Brother and Sister Ed Dunlap were kicked out at the ripe age of 70, sent packing with no serverance package, the Organization without a heart! It's a vampire!
Ray had a "crisis of conscience." I think he wrote something explaining the whole thing.
By his candor and forthrightness, I am pretty sure he said what he really meant. No hidden agendas.
It appears to be a fact that were the Governing Body to simply let him go, he would have remained a Witness and never wrote his books. Being a person who just wants to fade away and be left alone, I admire him using what he did best (writing) when they wouldn't let him just fade away.
If you have read Crisis of Conscience and still have to ask that question, you are extraordinarily lacking in empathy.If you haven't read Crisis of Conscience, you'll find your question well answered - unless you lack empathy.