My husband, son, and I have been out for about 12 years. We weren't disfellowshipped (as far as we know) nor did we disassociate. We just left. No one came after us. Weird. We had no real problem leaving.
We just left and quit the whole JW thing. My son and I were quicker to join in "worldly" things. He joined the military and I began reading and writing about magic, faeries, and "pagan" things. I was done with the bible, god, and organized religion.
As far as running into JWs, it rarely happens and we don't have any ill feelings towards those we knew in the congregations. I've seen JWs out eating in restaurants and, really, I sort of feel sorry for them. They are so easy to indentify and they don't really look happy. They look so uncomfortable.
I've embraced the world, people, the community, and the earth. I recycle, use my own shopping bags, donate to charities, and eat much healthier. I smile more. People are not all bad. I've discovered that by just smiling at others and sending out positive energy, I feel so much better, and I've noticed it makes others feel better. Most people are nice, and will react with kindness when treated with kindness.
I am so much closer to my family. I love sending them birthday and holiday messages / cards / presents.
Actually, I do not entirely regret my time as a JW, it did work for me and my family for a time. I learned a lot about the bible and it was good for my husband, my son, and me in that we lived a moral, clean, and honest lifestyle. We were happy as a family ... but then the religion just didn't work for us anymore.
We changed and our view of the world changed.
My husband and son know about JWR and JWN and know I sometimes pop in here. They don't socialize online much and don't see a need to reconnect with the JW religion even if it is with other ex-JWs. My husband has asked me why I feel a need to be here since he knows I don't have any grudges or unresolved issues with the religion. I've told him that when I get here, I feel like I am maybe helping others by letting them know that there is a wonderful life to be lived once one leaves. And to share that it isn't too late to start living and pursuing one's real dreams.
~ Forest Heathen