As a few of you know, I DA'd last December. I've had a good year so far.
Last summer was pretty crap for me. Lots of "social" things going on in the congregation but I wasn't invited. You know what I mean, hey??
One particular incident stood out. I was talking to a sister, sitting down after the meeting. This little madam, who had recently got married over in Ireland, butted right in to our conversation and BLATANTLY handed this sister I was talking to, a wedding reception invite. I was firstly, shocked by her rudeness and then, quite hurt that she had deliberately excluded me. I was gobsmacked.
Anyway, this year is SO different for me. I'm a member of my local parish church and am socially, quite active. Their is a lady in church who is getting married in 2 weeks. Their is a reception at our local football club. The invitation has been published in the church weekly newsletter.
I bumped into her this morning and she gave me a hug and we exchanged pleasantries etc.... She then asked if I was coming to her wedding and the "do" after, I asked "is that okay?" "Of course" she said, "everyone is invited. That's why it was in the newsletter, I want all my friends to come."
The contrast is quite incredible. I love it. It has renewed my faith in the goodness and hospitality of people.
Thanks for reading. X