I have used credible breaking news here with my husband. He depends on JWN to get the inside scoop on new publications and enough information on the conventions that he can "fake it".
As I keep my private life strictly that, it would be hypocritical for me to poke my muzzle into other people's homes - unless they are clearly very comfortable with talking about it.
I get the impression you could get your husband entirely out (would be mainly his doing) - I ass-u-me he isn't else why is he attending conventions - but something stops you. Is it repercussions for his other loved ones, or that you don't mind, or that you are quite content having a mole within so your kingdom-preaching (wink) here is better accomplished, or ?
All "or"s are widely overlapping. And, thanks on the other matter.
("You Know what killed the cat" Class)