The history of the real Boston Tea Party is a very good read. is a good book.
If we don't know history, we are bound to repeat it. Becuase i no longer believe Jehovah is going to fix the ship, I read history a few hours every week. The Boston Tea Party is a good start. The issues in the Boston Tea Party helped to frame what we wanted our country to look like, and not look like. It was the beginning of the setup of the rulebook/playbook. Becuase we have a relatively good playbook, we have a higher standard of living than many other countries. And, our "women's issues" are nothing compared to other countries whose laws really disfavor women.
Again, HELL YES, I am proud to be an American. About the only other countries I'd want to be is Australian (cool accent), Canadian (hockey), Swiss (ski), or italian (my artist side)...speaking of being italian and patriotic . . .. .