I asked the below questions to 2 of my Elders a few week ago ................................Silence
Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Reject The Bible's Example Concerning Baptism
by Watchtower-Free 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Catechism is very common.
Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Reject The Bible's Example Concerning Baptism
.............Jehovah's Witnesses don`t give a Rats Ass what The Bible Says..
.................................................The Bibles Says..
................................What Ever The WBT$ Wants It To Say!..
Ones that are baptised are not Christians only jonadabs, baptism bible style is only for true Christians whom they refure to as the 144k. The ones baptised now are jonadabs that do it as a dedication or pledge to the org.
Crazyguy got it right. The witnesses' Q&A before 3 elders. The 2 question dedication pledge, living up to the dedication.
Looking to the Watchtower as the way, the truth, and the life is the 'other sheeps' salvation plan. Christians have
Jesus as their mediator.
wokeup- Catholics, the Orthodox, and Protestants all have Catechisms who must go through before baptism. You are talking 1.2-1.5 billion people. Even the 'Bible Only' Evangelicals require some declaration of adherence to orthodoxy before baptism.
Even if you believe the statement in Matthew 28 about baptizing in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit some lessons have to preceed that. It is so blantly against Judaism and so obviously from the pen of some later Bishops that no one would or could blindly utter such a statement of faith without schooling.
Designs, that's true, baptismal requirements had been devised long ago, how each denominations' 'requirements'
stand up to the example set out in the Bible vary. I feel the Mat. 28 'command' conflicts with the record in Acts that
shows the apostles baptizing only in Jesus' name.
Rufus T. Firefly
"Regarding first-century Christians , historian Augustus Neander states in his book General History of the Christian Religion and Church: ' Baptism was administered at first only to adults , as men were accustomed to conceive baptism and faith as strictly connected.' " (Watchtower 4/1/06, page 27)
@OUTLAW- that rat would have to be bapstised before his ass would be considered saved.