Brother Lett was giving the last talk of the day about what they supposedly accomplished in 100 years
I was just waking up so im paraphrasing alittle(I was dosing off all day) anyways in his introduction he said
"There is more evidence to prove Gods kingdom on the earth is a reality than wind,electricity and gravity is a reality on the earth"
It was so stupid and absurd I didnt even know how to feel after he said it, plus it was sickening to see everydody just nodding in agreement.
Its really sad to see my friends getting further and further brainwashed at a young age and wasting there 20s by following this fake organization.
I dont understand how other witnesses cant see how its the same exact information from every other convention in years past just repackaged,
resorted, and rebundled and prestented in a new year. The only differnce in the conventions from year to year is the name of the talks and the
sypmposiums and the brothers faces that give them.