My wife complained along time that I let my hair grow to long (i don't belive in this anyway) But to make peach I asked her to buzz my hair 4 months ago.... shorter... shorter... Let me shave the rest.. It' been shaved since then and I like the Yul Brynner look.. I feel like Pharoah...j.k
At the KH few have questioned... i mean im hardly breaking 1 Corinthians LOL
As for wordly styles this style is ALMOST what a certian governing body member has.... and THEY KNOW IT... They HATE SANDERSON!
Now I have since experiance the sun on my head in summer...feels good... my wife liking it now...
I'm not changing anytime soon.. There are 2 elder (out of 7) that want me to change... I told one.. Sanderson does it.. the other who pisses me off: "Am I in Nazi Germany or something?"... He backed off.
Many black brothers I note are bald to by choice.. it makes sense...someties their hair is harder to take care of.
As for me I find hair on the head and evolutionary-leftover and sexual mutation..(It probably is) It hinders me and I see no use for hair on the head and envy those that naturaly (bladness) lose it now.