Its time for me to Leave

by radar 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Bye then Radar;I do'nt 'know'you well, ( you always conjoured up a mental picture of the 'Radar' in 'MASH'for me ,and he was my favourite!)
    I hope you find many good friends now you have more time to meet them...It just shows though, dos'nt it?This board serves different needs for different people;all valid ones;just different-Good luck XXX

  • ThiChi

    You are so right about the Troll issue......I will miss your thoughts!

  • teenyuck

    Bye Radar, take care.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    What, you couldn't wait until after the DATELINE airing? Sheeeessshhhh! Good Luck!

  • ISP

    All the best Radar! See ya 'round.


  • Simon

    Thanks for stopping by here on your journey Radar ... of course we don't mind people popping back to let us know how they are

    All the best

  • Grunt

    Good Luck Radar,
    I have to disagree with you in regards to what you said about being free from the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses. I had been free from them for years before ever posting here. The only hold they have on most of us are the hostages they hold. These hostages are held by ignorance and blind faith. Sites like this shine a light into that dark hole of misinformation and lies and expose the ignorance allowing some who are strong enough to see the flaws revealed to act to free themselves. I am here to help shine that light, to help encourage them in their freedom and to learn the latest outrages and lies told by the Tower so I can better expose and oppose them. I have learned a lot here, as I did at H20. Hemopure, the court cases resulting in the imprisonment of pedophiles posing as christians, the Watchtower coverup of the same, the ongoing information that pours onto this site every week. I also enjoy the company of people like Waiting, Red Horse Woman and so many, many more who have earned my respect through their postings. I hope you do keep checking in. I also hope wherever you are and whatever you do that you won't be shy about telling people you were once in the cult and why you left it. We ex-members are the greatest force against this Tower of lies.

    Once again, godspeed and all the best to you and yours,

  • neyank


    It's been a pleasure.

    Even if you get caught up doing other things, hopefully you'll be able to stop in and say howdy from time to time.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Enjoy your life to the fullest. It's been said that, 'No failure is ever final....nor success.'

    Guest 77

  • jayhawk1

    Although it has been a long time since I have posted here, I never will put up a good bye notice. I prefer to think of this as a, "I will stop in sometime, but not very often kind of thing." See you later Radar.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

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