A great interview with native New Yorker and longtime contributor to this board Isaac Carmignani (truthsetsonefree) is below:
Interview video with former JW elder and 'mole'
by RayPublisher 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I liked this guy's story.
Know what's best about the moles?
One retires or gets caught, and two more pick up the slack.
I loved the video Raypublisher.. Its good to hear peoples stories, resonate with them and see their lives survive the WT, the rough exit from WT and build happy lives post WT. These give me hope and encouragement. Thanks Ray and thanks to your interviewee!
new hope and happiness
Vidipt: is it possible a " mole" could be placed by the society, to weed out " moles" ?
new hope and happiness - "Is it possible a 'mole' could be placed by the Society, to weed out 'moles'?
A fair question.
That, however, would involve the potential mole being exposed (and responding) to the TTATT.
If I were a GB member, I wouldn't be too eager to risk that happening (learn to think like your opponent, and you stand a much better chance of beating him).
It was a nice interview, he seems to be very busy helping lots escape different cults now, I think that is a great idea.
About two thirds of the way through he talks about how he saw what was on the agenda for the GB weekly meeting, on the desk of the President of WT just sitting there in his office. He has seen some amazing things
RayPublisher - "He has seen some amazing things."
The most noteworthy of which are the "men behind the curtain".
Although, these days, the GB seem more and more inclined to step out from behind the curtain (and IMO, failing to impress).
If I had known TTATT at that time and was in that position, I would have swiped the agenda and hightailed it out of there!