Do you intend to die?

by new hope and happiness 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    As far as i know, all of us are going to die. Our hope, our stories, and the fantazy of " good people" telling tales of heaven, or a new system, or future reassembling of our consciousness is not likely? Do you still cling to it?

    For me this acceptance of death has made life very presiouse, and i am talking about today, not tomorrow. If you have a better plan or know of one what is it?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Well i consider myself lucky if i and my immediate family are spared scenceless tragity. I mean from fellow posters on this board i have learnt " Health is Wealth". And having left the witnesses and made such progress with my attitude, i want now to fill my life with as much love, and laughter as possible. And as for truth i do intend to die and cease to exist, but ive been wrong on " truth" before. Spiritually Dead Wrong.

  • Morgana

    There is a lecture series from Yale University held by Prof. Shelly Kagan on "Death" (26 lectures; it's freely available on YouTube, just search for "Shelly Kagan Death" or go to the Open Yale channel at

    In these lectures, Prof. Kagan extensively and in a very lively way treats the the questions of death, soul (arguments for and against), personal identity, dying, and our human attitudes and reactions to them. He considers his subject from virtually any conceivable perspective.

    I highly recommend watching or listening to this course.

  • punkofnice

    I don't intend to but it'd solve a lot of problems.

  • cantleave

    It's inevitable, so make the best of what's left of life.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks cant leave, i am doing that and trying to Love all the people in my life.

    Morgans, thanks for the tip. I tell you what i have become very moderate in my thinking since leaving the Watchtower. And as a moderate man i only value the opinions of the common person. I think thats a good place for moderate thinkers and i am learning alot that way.

    By the way if anyone reading this thread is a shunner, kill yourself. Seriously.Because thats what you are doing to those you shun.Sorry that wasn't a very moderate thougt was it?

  • blondie

    I intend to live as long as I can as I am aware of living. I see that so-called puny humans are still making great strides in increasing health.


    1. 1. have (a course of action) as one's purpose or objective; plan.
    2. 2. design or destine (someone or something) for a particular purpose or end.
  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Blondie: i dont want to get sentimental but your contribubution and words to those waking up to the T.T.A.T.T will out live you. Anyway i intend to outlive you, but even if i dont i am now living. Thanks for helping wake me up.

  • blondie

    We never know what today will bring...things happen all lthe time that lead to a sudden, and unintended death. I have outlived many of the people younger than me in age and healtheir futures. Death almost comes when we least expect it.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So true Blondie...and as Michael Landon said " if you can' t remember me with smiles and laughter then dont remember me at all"

    Sometimes i think i am living a fantazy life, i live in Sweden on rental income from the U.K, and i do so because i am doing what i want to do. And that is having quality time with my wife and kid. Me and my boy love each other so much, and we have such quality time...and more so because i do appreciate your words.

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