Harp of God still in 1920's insisted the beginning of the end started in 1799. I am not sure when exactly was this dropped, but this year is referred by both Russell and Rutherford. Both of them derive the end from the Napoleon's occupation of Rome as mentioned by blondie.
What the Bible Students (now Jehovah's Witnesses) Believed About the French Revolution When Christ Inspected Them in 1919, Cleansed Them and Approved Them
by Kenneson 16 Replies latest jw friends
“A direct investigation of the publications of the Watch Tower organization in the years from 1914 to 1919 reveals none of the prudent discretion that causes a man to ‘keep his lips in check’. It would be an insult to Christ Jesus to say that he selected this organization on the basis of what it was teaching, uniquely and distinctively, as of 1919.” (Raymond Franz, In Search of Christian Freedom, page 145)
Have a look at "The Finished Mystery", this book was their main teaching aid at the time, and the bang up to date unique "understandings" that convinced Jesus to choose the Rutherford controlled Bible Students over far better suited religions in 1919.
Page 230 for instance shows that a prophecy found in Revelation Chapter 14 is fulfilled by some weird calcualtion as being the Railway Station at Scranton Penn. !!!!!
Funny, we don't hear much about what actually comprised that wonderful spiritual food that was being dispensed by the FDS at that time do we ?
From the quote above by Ray Franz "It would be an insult to Christ Jesus to say that he selected this organization on the basis of what it was teaching, uniquely and distinctively, as of 1919. "
@ Pistoff: Great stuff, wish I could get my relatives to read the old watchtower writings and see how crazy they are
I've had these conversations with JW relatives and had them read directly from publications like Harp of God, Re: 1799 was the beginning of the last days and 1874 was Jesus' Return.
All I got for a response was, "so what? We've "progressed" a lot since then". A JW simply cannot put 2+2 together and see this information and WT teachings for what they are: pure nonsense, and proof this never was god's chosen religion (if god actually existed).
A JW simply switches cognitive dissonance into high gear and pretends all is well in Never Never Land.
Shirley, you are correct but only partly correct - the disease is even worse than you make out.
A significant number of jWs positively relish the thought that they will watch the slaughter of all of us "mockers" (by the Governing Body and other pseudo-newtype-anointed):
And, furthermore, they fantasize about all those nice big vacant houses...
Sometimes, door-to-door work is actually casing the joint to see whether it'll meet their needs on the GREAT DAY OF JEHOVAH'S LAND-GRAB.
It is the cult of the underdog, partly based on envy hatred of those better off than them. It never occurs to these idiots that if they bettered themselves and worked harder (not being slaves to an MLM publishing corporation run for the benefit of a white gerontocracy), they could get those things.
Instead they want to murder us and steal our property, and spy on the property first to see if it is worth having.
Every time a jW comes near the door should be taken as an invitation to open and then slam it so hard that its inquisitive nose gets sent a little closer to goobergawd.
("Anti-theft" Class)
Band on the Run
I was reading some book that explained the Witness history. The old lit terrifies me. It turns out that one date had to be revised. There was supposed to be calculations based on Russell's trip to Brooklyn. The date proved to be wrong. Thankfully, someone with the WT Society interview the railroad personnel. A spur existed in New Jersey. A new date was calculated using the correct mileage. I laughed so hard.