They better not give me a hard time about my Christmas decorations. Or that they cannot see every web site I visited on my computer (from this one, the occasional porn site, other sites that criticize Christi-SCAM-ity, and openly Satanic sites). Or that I no longer make do with cheap crap that barely does its job for a week before crapping out. Or that I use Worldwide Damnation Fund money on buying silver that I keep (and they have the nerve to hound children for ice cream money). Or that I have, and listen to, rap and heavy metal music including Led Zeppelin.
Or try forcing me back in. Let them drag me to court, produce documents where my baptism is a legally binding contract, or show up with a lawyer or attorney, and I could be forced right back into the cancer against my will and prevented legally from ever leaving again. There goes my access to this site, and other sites that bash Christi-SCAM-ity (or, for that matter, anything else that could give me access to real conditions in the world). There goes my right to buy whatever I want, instead of wasting the money on donations. With courts on their side, they could pry into my income tax return or pay stubs and demand that I cut to the bare minimum expenses so donations can be made. With Saturn still in Sagittarius (it backs into Scorpio June 16 only to return to Sagittarius September 18), this is more realistic.