The movie Lucy, human only use 10% of their brain.

by jam 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    So weird, you may remember we had a discussion about

    this myth. LOL..The movie cominng out soon, young lady

    begain using more then 10% of her brain power. She begain

    to exhibit great powers..Apparently a lot of folks believe we

    only use 10% of out brain...I guess they believe we will

    use the other 90% of our brain in the New System...

  • Apognophos

    Hmm, disappointing to see that myth perpetuated, especially since it plays into the notion JWs like to harp on, that we're imperfect and not functioning the way we were designed to. Fortunately not many JWs will be seeing this movie, and the ones that do, won't admit it.

    I see that the IMDB forum for the movie is full of complaints about the unscientific premise.

  • sir82

    Humans very much use 100% of their brains.

    Well, OK, unless they are the GB. <ba-dum-ching!>

  • jam

    Apognophos: "complaints about the unscientific premise", Great.

    We all know were this can lead, Noah and the flood, 40 years in the desert

    and etc...

    sir82; GB about 1%, they are almost brain dead...

  • Oubliette

    I know plenty of people that obviously don't use even that much!

  • subytrek

    I used to beleive that crap too. But, then I read somewhere that we do use 100% of our brain but only like 10% at one time since our brain is like a database or computer. I mean a computer doesn't use all of it's memory at once or it will crash but you still use 100% of the computer. I wish I could remember where I read that. I hope I explained that correctly. If I'm wrong, point it out. Thanks.

  • startingover

    I was surprised to see Morgan Freeman involved in this movie. After seeing him as the host of "Through the wormhole" it doesn't see like something he would be involved in.

    I too hate to see this myth perpetuated.

  • Apognophos

    But, then I read somewhere that we do use 100% of our brain but only like 10% at one time since our brain is like a database or computer. I mean a computer doesn't use all of it's memory at once or it will crash but you still use 100% of the computer. I wish I could remember where I read that. I hope I explained that correctly. If I'm wrong, point it out. Thanks.

    That sounds right. When we perform a certain mental or physical task, the related part of the brain heats up. We can see this in real-time MRI scans. In order to light up the whole brain at once, you would have to be thinking about several things at once while performing multiple physical tasks, to a degree that probably is impossible.

    One possible origin for this myth, by the way, is that about 1/10th of our brain is actually gray matter, i.e., "the stuff that thinks". The rest is white matter. The white cells interconnect different regions of the brain, like the system bus in your computer. So a reporter in the early 20th century who learned this wrote misleadingly that only 10% of our brain is used. In a way it's true, but not in the sense that parts of our brain are permanently latent and waiting to be discovered.

  • jam

    Apognophos: Thanks for clearing that up, "1/10th gray matter, the stuff

    that thinks". No doubt that is where the 10% came from...

  • stillin

    Oh, great. Another movie that my wife will walk away from with an entirely different idea than I will.

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