Our Kingdom Ministry September 2014 PDF
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KM - 09/2014 PDF : http://adf.ly/qAgLy
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by WatchTower87 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Our Kingdom Ministry September 2014 PDF
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KM - 09/2014 PDF : http://adf.ly/qAgLy
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Gotta love this part for the week of September 8th:
Duh! Like that even needs to be said.
Thank you for the download.
Wow the governing body are getting desperate. Just looked at the increase in regular pioneers and while the usa is quite impressive the high percentage increases in the smaller countries actually equates to most of them being under 10 extra people from each of those lands. Certainly nothing to shout about when you think there are 8 million JWs worldwide.
Why is the "Field Service Highlights" always about small island countries?
Field Service Highlights
It is impressive to note the following positive trend in the
number of regular pioneers during the first seven months
of the 2014 service year. There were increases of 6.4 percent
in the Bahamas, 7.9 percent in Bermuda, 23.8 percent
in the Cayman Islands, 2.6 percent in Jamaica,
5.6 percent in Puerto Rico, 3.8 percent in the Turks &
Caicos Islands, 13.8 percent in the British Virgin Islands,
4.3 percent in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
and 4.6 percent in the United States. A
grand total of 163,100 reported as regular
pioneers in March. Are you able to
join them?—Ps. 96:2.
A traveling overseer has downloaded the
video Why Study the Bible? to his phone and
shows it every chance he gets. For example,
when going from house to house, he says:
“I’m making brief visits to help people find
answers to three important questions: Why
does the world have so many problems? How
will God fix them? And how can we cope in
the meantime? This short video addresses
those questions.” He then presses the play
button and watches the householder’s reaction.
The video is so captivating that most
people do not take their eyes off the screen until
the end. Then the traveling overseer says:
“You just heard that you can request a Bible
study online. Since I’m here, I could give you a
quick demonstration now.”
It is amazing that so many people in the first century responded to Jesus' message without a captivating video!
Why is it often best to play the video for the householder without a
long introduction orwithout asking for permission?
Those numbers have no context. There's so few publishers that if two people decide to pioneer, they'll get a dumb increase like that.
15 min: Display Good Manners When Preaching. (Note: I could not find any article on this topic in the KM; how can jws know what to pre-study or where to find the answers?
*** km 9/11 p. 4 Schedule for Week of October 3 *** (a review?)
Display Good Manners in the Ministry. (2 Cor. 6:3) Discussion using the following questions as a basis: (1) Why is it important that we display good manners when preaching? (2) How may we show good manners when (a) our group arrives in the territory? (b) we are walking from house to house? (c) we are standing at the door? (d) our companion is giving a witness? (e) the householder is speaking? (f) the householder is busy or the weather is inclement? (g) the householder is rude?
(2 Cor. 6:3) Discussion based on the following
questions: (1) Why is it important that we
display good manners while preaching? (2) How
may we show good manners when (a) our group
arrives in the territory? (b) we are walking from
house to house in residential territory or driving
from house to house in rural territory? (c) we are
standing at a door? (d) our companion is giving
a witness? (e) the householder is speaking?
(f) the householder is busy or the weather is inclement?
(g) the householder is rude?
*** km 7/03 p. 1 par. 3 Group Witnessing Brings Joy ***
It is best that he arrange the witnessing groups and assign territory (unless the book study overseers will be caring for this, as noted earlier) before concluding with prayer. This reduces the need for publishers to congregate in the territory, which can detract from the dignity of our work. It is also in harmony with Paul’s counsel: “Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.” (1 Cor. 14:40)
I remember an event in one congregation, a car group of six adults pulled up in the territory. All six people jumped as the driver pointed down the street for one twosome, down the other and pointed to the territory card for a sister and her small child to go. He jumped back in and drove off. A woman across the street called the police because it seemed suspicious to her.
2b) I saw a sister pick a flower from someone's yard, her child was picking up stones and throwing them on a lawn, a sister adjusted her nylons, a brother spanked his small son (these jws must have thought they had the power of invisibility).
2b) Time to update the jws about trespassing laws and the WTS position on it.
2c) Don't assume no one is home and start talking negatively about their house, yard, neighbors.
2d) Don't interrupt your jw companion, let them finish.
2e) Don't interrupt the person at the door, especially after you've asked a viewpoint question.
2f) Don't show up at a door when it is 105 F and expect to be invited in; don't show up when it is 25 below F, ditto, and don't be dragging babies and small children along
2g) If the HH is rude, what did you say just before; that they will die at armaggeddon, attack their religious beliefs, make sweeping statements how people in the world are deficient in morality?