why dont more elders leave?

by Crazyguy 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneEyedJoe

    My father is an elder, and I think a big reason he's so convinced it's 'the truth' is because he's hyper-humble. He has very little self confidence and therefore anything that he's able to achieve (giving talks, actually encouraging people in sheparding calls, whatever) is only due to god's spirit and has nothing to do with himself. The truth is, he's very smart and very kind and quite articulate and is an obvious choice if you're picking someone for the job that being an elder ostensibly is (being a kind, empathetic shepard to the flock) so it's no wonder that he's able to do such a good job.

    Also, I suspect at his age, even if he had doubts he'd see the risk of losing out on the potential of a reserection would be too great for the few years of freedom he'd have if he left.

    Ugh, I don't often get emotional, but thinking about the way my poor father's been abused could get me there if I keep going...It really is exactly like an abusive marriage. I definitely think there's some overlap in this topic and one on "why don't more abused wives leave?"

  • Ding

    The elders I know believe in the organization completely.

    Either that, or they are great actors.

  • blondie

    OneEyedJoe, I have known elders like your father. And they are cruelly treated by other elders, stuck with the crap work, never thanked for what they do. They are still true believers. Not all elders are glory seekers, and it only takes one to cruelly run an elder body. I wonder how many of the rank and file speak up about the serious flaws?

    When you place your life in the hands of men, not God, who are you worshiping; I finally realized that God has nothing to do with an organization of abusive men and the ones that sit by the sidelines and say nothing.

  • stuckinarut2

    Elders are only big fish in a very small goldfish bowl!

    I should know! I'm floating upside down in that same bowl!

  • jgnat

    Consider the investment to achieve this exalted position. To admit this achievement was a colossal waste of time takes a great deal of introspection, humility. The WTS does not make it easy to resign, either. Who ever heard of applying to quit A volunteer position? It's simple. Stop showing up. They'll get the hint.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    RECOGNITION in an otherwise mundane existence



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  • LostGeneration

    Becoming an elder can be a big ego-stroke. Suddenly you are participating in the secret back room meetings, appointed to serve on JCs, and getting your balls washed when you go out and visit congos by people you never met.

    At the same time, you suddenly see the dark side of the org, the power hungry elders, the silly rules that have to be enforced, etc.

    If an elder isn't woken up by the back room politics within a few years, it becomes 'comfortable' getting the adulation from everyone else. Then its very difficult to break through the cognative dissonance as you become extremely invested in the cult.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Becoming an elder can be a big ego-stroke. Suddenly you are participating in the secret back room meetings, appointed to serve on JCs, and getting your balls washed when you go out and visit congos by people you never met.

    In addition, if you're regularly drinking the Koolaid and staying clear of anything negative, it's easy to lap it up and believe it all.

    I know. I did it.


  • steve2

    Blondie - wow! What your husband went through! I'm thinking that kind of experience must be devastating for any man who holds himself and others accountable for their Scriptural behaviour and who expects people to practice what they preach.

    It can still astonish me what goes on in the "name" of organizational policies - and this in an organization that so routinely - and mindlessly! - berates all other religious groups for not adhering to "Biblical standards".

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