(A few "highlights" from the "Bible" still used and taught in China)
Strategy 1 "瞒天过海" - Deceive the sky to cross the ocean.
To lower an enemy's guard you must act in the open hiding your true intentions
under the guise of common every day activities.
Strategy 2 "围魏救赵" - Surround Wei to rescue Zhao.
When the enemy is too strong to attack directly, then attack something he holds dear.
In other words, you may try to attack the relatives or dear ones of the enemy to weaken him psychologically.
Strategy 3 "借刀杀人" - Borrow one's hand to kill. (Kill with a borrowed knife.)
Attack using the strength of another Trick an ally into attacking him,
bribe an official to turn traitor, or use the enemy's own strength against him.
Strategy 4 "以逸待劳" -
Encourage your enemy to expend his energy in futile quests while
you conserve your strength. When he is exhausted and confused,
you attack with energy and purpose.
Strategy 5 "趁火打劫" - Use the opportunity of fire to rob others.
(Loot a burning house.) When your neighbors house is burning, this is a good time
to steal his belongings. When a country is beset by internal conflicts,
when disease and famine ravage the population, when corruption and crime
are rampant, then it will be unable to deal with an outside threat.
This is the time to attack.
Strategy 6 "声东击西" - Feign an attack in the east and attack in the west.
In any battle the element of surprise can provide an overwhelming advantage.
Chapter 2 - Enemy Dealing Strategies
Strategy 7 "无中生有" - Create something from nothing.
You use the same feint twice. Having reacted to the first and often the second feint as well, the enemy will be hesitant to react to a third feint. Therefore the third feint is the actual attack catching your enemy with his guard down.
Strategy 8 "暗渡陈仓" - Secretly utilize the Chen Chang passage.
Attack the enemy with two convergent forces. The first is the direct attack, one that is obvious and for which the enemy prepares his defense. The second is the indirect, the attack sinister, that the enemy does not expect and which causes him to divide his forces at the last minute leading to confusion and disaster.
Strategy 9 "隔岸观火" - Watch the fires burning across the river.
Delay entering the field of battle until all the other players have become exhausted
fighting amongst themselves. Then go in full strength and pick up the pieces.
Strategy 10 "笑里藏刀" - Knife sheathed in a smile.
Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy.
When you have gained his trust, you move against him in secret
There are 36 Strategies , everyone should read them all.