Thank you for all of your contributions and I wish you the very best.
by snare&racket 60 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you for all of your contributions and I wish you the very best.
Geesh!!! If I had a dollar for all the good bye threads over the years on this site, I would be a millionare.
I'll be praying for your succes as you transition from the training to part time business man and physician. 76% of doctors believe in God
We're sorry top lose you but are happy for you to start your new career - well done!
I agree that initial discovery that you're not alone and it's not "just you" with the questions is life-changing.
As long as you remember to instruct all of your patients not to cook in aluminum and eat a lot of raw garlic, you will be fine.
Congratulations Dr. Snare!
I will miss you. (And I do not say that to a lot of people.)
I've always enjoyed your posts and thoughts. Sorry to see you go. Best wishes and travel well sir.
Couldn't look at my rash before you leave could you?
Congratulations and respect to you Doctor S&R.
Wow, congrats.
Oh no, now, you have to come back and check in here and there and tell us about your fascinating world as a doctor.
Meanwhile, I understand being a doctor can be stressful, so here's my prescription for you. When you get down or overwhelmed, play or sing this. (It's the best doctor song ever):