Waiting on jehovah ... and the Governing Body

by Focus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus



    ("I've already Disfellowshipped the Governing Body" Class)

  • Crazyguy

    Ha , that's funny they told me when I blew up thier teaching on the mediator and who are the sons of god, when they could not prove me wrong that I needed to wait on jehoober. I mean really, bible believers think the book is 2500 years old and jehoobers real people still can't figure it out , come on. Dumb asses.


    ................WAITING ON JEHOVAH...........................................Dumb Ass!!..LOL!!..


    ...................................................................................................................................... Image...OUTLAW

  • LogCon


  • Focus

    lol, OUTLAW!

    The sooner this sorry bunch of Spiritual-Assh*les flies off to meet Goobergawd in Alcyone, the better...

    In the same way that the Reverend J.J. Ross paid for Russell to come to Canada to prosecute Ross for criminal libel, I'd happily pay the G.B.'s travel costs straight to Hell.

    And start them off on that journey, to the extent the secular laws of the non-theocratic nations in which we live permit.



    ("Has no one spotted the ghost in the picture?" Class)

  • Listener

    You've blanked out Raymond Franz.

  • rip van winkle
  • LV101

    "Goobergawd" - love that!

    Outlaw's skeleton - best laugh all day - thanks, guys!

  • Focus

    Of course, the significance of showing the 1975 Governing Body was that it was this collection of Filthy Spiritual-Pedophiles and similar who guaranteed the R&F that all they had to do was survive to '75 and then Goobergawd would swoop down, murder everyone else and hand the jWs all the property - and the jWs would either live forever (the 144,000 "anointed" - including themselves) or for at least 1000 years undisturbed on "Paradise Earth".

    Of course, it was all a calculated swindle to increase membership. They rightly estimated that the number who would leave in disgust at this prophetic failure would be much less than the numbers sucked in, for the usual evil reasons ("shunning").

    But everyone of those disgusting, lying pieces of sh!te responsible for the scam is dead.


    "Goobergawd" - love that!

    Thanks; you are welcome.

    Be sure you write "(c) Focus" (even though I don't claim any copyright, or want it; and it is more of an idea, and so couldn't be copyrighted anyway) whenever you use "Goobergawd", though, as there is a foul, abusive Spiritual-Pimp about who may accuse you of "intellectual dishonesty" if you don't.

    Think I'm kidding? Read http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/281461/3/The-Complete-Scammers-Guide-by-Pastor-Russell-New-Light

    Yes, the quality of deep-cover trolls that the WTS sends over to disrupt our Kingdom-Proclaiming, Truth-Preaching and Disciple-Making is sadly getting poorer and poorer as time passes, and their stories more and more implausible and their attacks more and more desperate.



    ("Molech" Class)

  • LV101

    FOCUS - GOTCHA! Appreciate the legal-eagle in you - seriously! My husband is a lawyer and I always tell him he's negative - understands all the problems I head into.

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