I did some investigations and research into the elders that were on my committee back in 1984 when they
gave me my first ass whooping.
I remember them all telling me that I would never be happy out of the organisation and that my life will descend
into the dark mire and swamp of sin, debauchery, depression and madness.
Well.. on that note I walked away.
28 years later I did some checking up on the spiritual well being of said elders and was quite aghast as what I found.
Elder 1.
His son who was an exemplary long serving stellar regular pioneer ended up getting involved with an under-age baptised
sister in the Congregation and caused an absolute scandal and ended up going completely mad and got booted out!
The elder/father himself a real upstanding virtuous to a fault pillar of the congregation went on a business trip to Thailand fell in love and ran off with a hooker. His wife divorced him and he got dis-fellowshipped.
Elder 2.
Another pillar and upstanding and righteous family 3 generations deep. He had 5 children all raised in the truth. The youngest decided he was gay and went also mad. The second turned apostate and ran off with a middle eastern sister. The second oldest also turned hardcore apostate and fled to America.
Elder 3.
Same as above except 2 of his children went mad, one was sectioned in a mental institution and is now on medication for life and the other was dis-fellowshipped for long love affair with cocaine addiction.
Elder 4.
Was removed from being an elder for sexually molesting a sister during a shepherding visit.
Elder 5.
Had a nervous breakdown and his wife too and both spent time under mental care services. Their youngest son also went crazy and was in a mental institution at last hearing. Second daughter left the truth too.
Me? I'm sane (mostly), not on drugs, have never been a mental health patient, did not go mad or sink into the satanic debauchery and devil worship as predicted by said elders my supposed spiritual guides..
Moral? 'Da Troof' can be very bad for your health and well being.
The benefits of being out of the Organisation..
by Dis-Member 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Definitely causes more problems than it solves. Interesting research.
"You reap what you sow." From what Dis-Member has shared, it would seem these men never really met the qualifications the New Testament sets forth for elders and shepherds. Small wonder that they have suffered the evils they have. Let me say here that I have known some judicial committee elders who were good and upright men who did have integrity. But from what I have read and heard here and elsewhere, such men are far from common. But then the entire elder arrangement is flawed since its focus is not teaching and shepherding but controlling others.
I'm not sure that these men have suffered evil as though innocently attacked from some outside source. (ala Job) or like evil just fell out of the sky and landed on their heads. I'm afrad they were very much the orchestrators of their fates.
Dumping your long time loyal and faithful wife of 30 years and your family of 3 children and running of with a Thai prostitute is not suffering evil.Abusing your position of trust as an elder and sexually molesting a vulnerable sister while you are meant to be responsible for helping her build up her spirituality is not suffering evil.
5 different elders from the same BOE raising several generations of offspring so badly that nearly every single one of them utterly shipwrecked and/or completely fled the religion in the most extreme and dramatic ways imaginable is not suffering evil.
I also think that this kind of stuff is far more common than some would like to think. It's just all hidden and covered up so neatly by those people in this religion.
Not sure what one would call this.. but 'suffering evil' is not a phrase or description I would choose.
Luke 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. -
Dis-Member - "'Da Troof' can be very bad for your health and well being."
I remember when I first started to suspect that...
...when I was certain, I became determined to not raise my kids in it.
Great story, Dis-Member!
Let each one draw its own conclusions ...
I stand corrected, Dis-Member. I didn't express myself too well. By 'suffering evil' I meant these men had bad things happen to them regardless of how it came about. I also did say that they were reaping what they had sown.
I wish ill on no one. Depsite how much damage and hurt they caused me when I was young, sensitive and impressionable, I wish them no ill.
I blame the organisaiton for what happened to me.. and eventually over time all these people too. Seems some of them ended up worse off. It's all so sad and tragic the way this religion can utterly destroy lives.
It's clearly not the spritual paradise of healing love they describe it to be.
I'm assuming that when you cruelly state someone went mad you mean either they have mental health issues or a breakdown.
VERY unlikely that all these people went 'mad'