I want to tell you my story:-(
by Deltawave 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Why am I here on this site? Why have I lost my faith in this version of Christianity? It's simple. I was raised by two very abusive parents. A MS dad and a pioneer mother. I as beaten, emotionally blackmailed and treated like an enemy. As I grew older I told the elders what was happening. They Blamed me for not been Christ like and forgiving. I then ran into elders in another congregation that falsified reports when the CO came round amongst other stuff. I then started to think that any religion that claims to be 100% right and EVERYONE else is 1000% wrong isn't Christian but arrogant and haughty. I looked things up on JWFACTS. Then I saw the truth... Its all a lie. But I am married to happy JW wife, lads of JW family. I can't leave..... Ever! -
I feel your pain . Abusing your children and then blackmailing them is very common in this cult. I experienced the same torture. -
I genuinely feel empathy for you too!
There is no excuse for bad behaviour, especially toward family members...
Nathan Natas
WELCOME. Your story is not unique, but it is still valid and it will always be YOUR story. I would not wish my story on anyone, but I have read experiences here that make me feel like my life was a cakewalk in comparison to others. You may have a similar experience; but the important thing is that you CAN live "Happier Ever After."
Abandon the JW way of thinking in absolutes. Don't think that you MUST be miserable because your wife and extended family are still trapped in JW mind -control; make it YOUR job to show them how happy an unencumbered life can be. While you may have lost some time treading water waiting for the world to end, NOW you can look for ways to enjoy your life - achieve artistic or academic self-fulfillment.
Jehovah is a sock puppet lying eternally asleep in a drawer in Fred Franz' old desk. You can do NOTHING to make the sock puppet happy. Abandon the sock-puppet and live for YOU.
...and if that means you eventually leave your DubWife and your DubFamily behind, Que sera, sera! Sometimes you have to leave MISERY with no company.
Best wishes to you!
Thanks Nathan those are lovely words -
I felt the same way as you a few months ago, but I decided I could not continue to live a lie, so I left. So far, my wife is still by my side, even though still a card carrying jw. However, whatever happens, I will never live my life for anyone else ever again. -
If u can't leave then live as Christ like life as possible and make them sick with how much of a better person you are. Really want to rub thier noses in it then claim your one of the anointed and start partaking -
Jehovah is a sock puppet....Nathan Natus
...............................I Am WBT$ Jehovah............................................I Am WBT$ Jesus..
....................FEAR ME!....................................................WHO NEEDS A FISH?!..
................................................I Am a WBT$ JW Pedophile..
....................................WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE CHILDREN??!..
You just think you can't leave.
OK, you may be right. But you CAN "check out" even if you can never leave. (OK goofy Hotel California line)
Be smart. Strategy is important. Don't rush it.
Lots of us are leaving and doing so "gracefully".
Others prefer to "go out with a bang".
Your mileage may vary.
Good luck,
Nathan Natas
Thanks for your typical brilliance, OUTLAW!
I didn't know you had a camera that could capture the spiritual realm!
Good stuff!