Perhaps you are new to life outside "The Tower". Welcome! Even if an artist is or might be a satanist, does that mean that you shouldn't listen to any of their music? If you enjoy eating at a particular restaurant and then you find out that the cook is a Southern Baptist, would you quit eating at that restaurant?
The fact is, I don't believe that the Beatles were indeed Satanists. But, it is true that record company execs and managers were pushing the "satanist" image on their artists as it made for more sales, larger profits. Just ask Keith Richards, he's been very vocal about how the satanist image was forced on the Rolling Stones. (As if they needed a "satanist" image to improve their bad boy image).
Another fact, John Lennon is the Beatle who wanted Hitler's photo on the cover of Sgt Peppers. He did not decide against it, the record company would not go for it.
We live in an imperfect world. All music is "tainted". Do you really want to become a Pharisee, nit picking everything to find something pagan or bad about it? Excuse me, you can replace the word Pharisee with Jehovahs Witness.
If you really feel that The Beatles, or any other artist, is indeed "demonized", and you wish to get rid of their albums, go ahead, get rid of 'em! But do it because of YOUR conscience and not that of somebody else's. And certainly not because The Watchtower tells you to do so!
In fact, if I were to get rid of something that is "demonized", I would begin with the mountain of Watchtower publications stored out in the garage!!! Nothing wrong with that!